Monday, September 30, 2019

All you need is love Essay

â€Å"All you need is love†, it’s perfectly described by the Beatles, and indeed it is. Love, the greatest gift of all, the most important thing for every single one of us. Loving your friends, your family, your pets, or, especially, that precious boy or girl, man or woman. It’s the phenethylamine that makes us fall in love and gives us that incredible feeling when we see a special person. After a few years our body gets used to that hormone and the endorfines in our brain take over. They give us the warm, calm, safe feeling with a person. However we live in a society where we can all fall in love with the person we want, there are still places in the world where people can’t. Forbidden love or arranged marriages, it sounds way too outdated to us, but it unfortunately still exists today. When we say love, hate isn’t far away. It’s mostly considered as the opposite of love, but we have to see it badly enough as a synonym. Lots of relationships go wrong and end up in hating each other or in very few cases it ends up in harming each other or even killing each other, which is called a crime of passion. Why does it go wrong? Wasn’t love the most precious thing on earth? Well, with love comes crave to be with a person, jealousy, fear to lose that person and discussions with that person, which leads often to distrust. When you are loved and have everything you need, it’s apparently not so difficult for too many people to flirt with others or even cheat. For many couples, the fourteenth of February is the day to prove their love, but for others it’s exactly the same average day. Every Valentine’s day tons of flowers and tons of chocolate are sold all around the world, not speaking of the incredible amount of money that is spent on that day. For the happy singles in the world, there is Singles Awareness Day (SAD), also on the fourteenth of February. Valentine’s day or not, we should prove our love also every other day of the year. There can be concluded that without love the world would not survive, we have to make love not war. Every person should be able to love the one he wants, without being judged, being harmed or being forced to. The Beatles are absolutely right: â€Å"Love is all you need†.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Particular sectors of the population Essay

Abstract The point of this paper is to help the reader grasp the different aspects of human identity construction with regards to ones race and/or ethnicity. This is a topic that is incredibly important to all races of people regardless of economic class or whatever else is seemingly more important. It is quite impossible to go throughout life without forming an idea of who you are or where you have come whether you care to make it a part of your daily life, have no choice or acknowledge it when it is convenient; without that knowledge I find it difficult to fully make the most of life. Through the readings from the semester and class discussions I have come to the conclusion that White ethnics choose to either assert their ethnicities thickly or thinly, or they chose to incorporate it into their lives symbolically. Blacks on the other side of the spectrum lack choice in their racial identity because their race is visible and so it is assigned to them. Asians have both the ability to choose to assert their specific ethnicities but they are racially assigned. The issue with racial and ethnic construction is that it is born of social construction-what others believe of your race to be true. This can make the identity construction process much more difficult depending upon your racial or ethnic background. Regardless, I find this to be an important part of the identity construction journey. How many cares one loses when one decides not to be something but to be someone. These words were spoken by the infamous French fashion designer, Gabrielle â€Å"Coco† Chanel. In America today, these words could not ring truer in the subject of identity. â€Å"Who am I? †, â€Å"Where do I come from? † All questions of self reflection which undoubtedly each individual asks themselves on a daily basis. These questions are not elaborate in structure but hold a great deal of weight to them and contain countless answers. White ethnics face the decision of whether or not to include their ethnicities into their identity construction; their racial invisibility gives them the choice to identify. Racial minorities self define differently from those of the white majority-there often is no choice. There are many different facets of identity construction that create the varying formulas with which Black Americans must create their racial identity. The blatant visibility of race for Blacks creates many of the difficulties that they face in the United States varying from the generalized stereotypes, entry into the coveted middle class of America. These are some of the factors that determine whether or not a positive Black identity is being formed. Lastly, Asian Americans, have found themselves in that strange middle ground of identity construction; their struggle is not exactly like that of Black Americans but they are also not easily accepted like the dominant white group. The unique factors that help Asian Americans shape their identity are the same ones that make it difficult for others outside of their race to define them. It is with this unusual combination that Asian Americans have been given the convenient ability to choose to assert their specific ethnicities and to assimilate like white ethnics while still feeling the effects of racial constraint and having their race assigned to them like Black Americans. White Ethnic Identity Construction Today we look at the possible ways the white racial group define themselves; how they appear to others of their same race as well as to non-whites and the impact of American societal expectations on the self, ultimately creating a portrait of how white ethnics construct their ethnic identity throughout the generations and the evolution of ethnic value over time. It is all too common to hear an individual say â€Å"I don’t care what people think of me† or â€Å"Their opinion doesn’t matter,† although that may be their thought process, little do they know that it is the interaction with other human beings that helps form each person’s sense of self and that every person’s opinion of you matters a great deal. â€Å"Identity cannot exist apart from a group†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Gans, 1991, p. 430). Each person bounces their personality off of other people and it is from their reactions to us that we base our identities on. This idea is called â€Å"The Looking Glass Self† developed by Charles Cooley. Cooley argues that every time we interact with another person, we see ourselves in a mirror that they hold up to us and our reflections shape our sense of self (Butler-Sweet, 2011, Sep. 20). Essentially our self definitions are based on how others see us. We cannot escape it, the society that we live in is based on interaction with other people and humans, by nature are visual; we judge first by what we see. This is why race is the defining factor in American society but mainly for non-whites. The white race in America is dominate, however, it is not dominate because of the race itself but because of the culture that was formed from it. This idea of â€Å"whiteness† stems from European ideals where historically white ethnics had the most education and were Christians opposed to the non-Christians who were also not white. When Europeans came over to America they brought these ideals with them and used them as a foundation for the new culture they were creating that placed large emphasis on church, family, and accumulating wealth and with that social status (Zack, 1998, p. 61). These ideals were the foundation of American culture and since this culture was created by whites, American became synonymous with white, white became the norm and therefore transparent. If you are white in America it is highly unlikely that you will notice your race on a daily basis unless you are placed in a situation where you are surrounded by non-whites and forced into awareness. It is a definite advantage to have your race be invisible to everyone; when you are accustomed to seeing something, you do not think about it. That being said, according to the â€Å"Looking Glass Self†, hardly anyone, white or non-white will reflect a white person’s whiteness to them. Having race viewed as insignificant in a white individual’s identity. Due impart, to the diminished importance of race to white identity construction, ethnicity among white ethnics is a choice. White ethnics can decide if they want their ethnicity to be a part of what shapes their identity and if they do chose to assert an ethnicity they chose once again if they want to assert it thickly or thinly. Growing up in Connecticut, I know that there is not as wide a variety of ethnicities as there could be among white ethnics but in a few of the less suburban areas in Connecticut, namely New Britain, certain white ethnics choose to thickly assert their ethnicity. In New Britain there is a large population of Polish white ethnics; they speak the language and have ethnic markets and restaurants. They choose to incorporate their ethnicity into their everyday lives and associate with those of that same ethnicity. On the flip side, in my suburban hometown of Farmington, Connecticut, there were a decent amount of Polish people who attended my high school however, most choose to thinly assert their ethnicity mostly by only claiming their ethnicity when it came to soccer or eating polish food during the holidays. The importance of ethnicity to white ethnics is often asserted thinly if at all. The amount of emphasis placed on the value of ethnic identity among whites is not the same as it has been in times past; the emphasis has now been placed on American culture and what is considered valuable. If white ethnics choose to include their ethnicity in their identity today, it would most likely be symbol of what once was. When Europeans first came to America from whichever country, their original ethnic background was everything. The language, food, traditions, clothing and music was a constant influence on their everyday lives as first generation Americans. Community ties to people of your same ethnicity were incredibly important as it was an extension of your immediate family. Being the â€Å"new kids on the block† so to speak, was what kept these ethnic communities very tightly knit however, each generation after began to slowly back away from those original ties and started to assimilate into the dominate American culture. The acculturation process starts in second generation white ethnics where original ethnic traditions that they grew up with become not as important because now, fitting in to the dominate culture is the way to progress. The third generation white ethnic, has fully assimilated into American culture and has little interest in their ethnicity because by now they have figured out that in being a white ethnic, they fit into the dominate culture and ethnicity is not necessary. It may not necessarily be a hindrance to their economic, intellectual or social success, but it also is not a part of them that they feel needs to be asserted; it is at this point, that ethnic symbolism begins to show up (Gans, 1991, p. 430). Through intermarriage and acculturation, third generation white ethnics and beyond often know little about their ethnicity or by now ethnicities. Sometimes there are so many ethnicities to choose from, from either parent that a white ethnic will simply pick out the stereotypes of a certain ethnicity in their genetic arsenal that they feel they can identify most with as a way of feeling ethnic of their ethnic identity. Physical traits are often used as the indicator for which ethnicity a white ethnic will chose to identify with; one of my closest friends is Luxembourgian, German, Scandinavian, Swedish, Norwegian, and Scottish. Despite the fact that her last name itself is German, she chooses to associate her fair skin, blonde hair and blue eyes with her Scandinavian and Swedish ethnicities; this is probably in large part due to her mother’s family who’s history holds more interest to her as well as people who look the most like her. She uses her physical features as symbols of her ethnicity, nothing more. It is often that if one side of the family is more vocal about a certain ethnicity or ethnicities within the family that as a result, the children will associate more with that ethnicity or ethnicities (Waters, 1998, p.60). The majority of white ethnics are of the upper middle class in American society because the race is not a constraint for them and so they have access to jobs and to education that non-whites may not have. This American culture or â€Å"whiteness† by itself leads to a sense of monotony to some white ethnics and so the symbolic ethnicity comes into play as a way to liven things and bring back a since of individuality; to not be â€Å"just American† (Waters, 1998, p. 90). Non-whites in America maintain their ethnicity and embrace it because they are not given as equal a chance to assimilate into the dominate culture and without that opportunity, they are cut off from the jobs, that would provide money to become educated and progress in the American way and therefore stay very rooted in their original culture and maintain a strong sense of community which many white ethnics do not have. The constraints of white ethnic identity are few. The invisibility of whiteness gives white ethnics a definite upper hand and even further so, when it comes to their ethnicity they can make the choice. The possibilities for white ethnic identity and furthermore, their identity as a whole would seem to be very flexible. They lack only, it would seem when it comes to the sense of community. In the American culture, as it has evolved into today, the majority population’s focus is on wealth and social status and so nothing else comes to matter. White ethnics as a whole suffer little if any because, being the dominant race and culture; it is rare to find any door closed; the invisibility of their race gives them an unseen advantage which racial minorities do not have. Black Racial Identity Construction As mentioned previously in discussing white ethnic identity construction, Cooley’s Looking Glass self was a prime factor in how identity is shaped, particularly for Black Americans. The mirror that is continuously held up to each Black person is a constant reminder that their race is a large part of how others define them. Unlike the dominant White group, race is nowhere close to being invisible for Blacks. W. E. B DuBois applies the basic idea of Cooley’s looking glass self, most specifically to the Black minority group with this concept of a â€Å"double consciousness† (Butler-Sweet, 2011, Nov.3). Much like the looking glass, the double consciousness stresses that you will never be able to truly see yourself if you are of the Black minority group because others will see your race first and automatically reflect a negative image. If this double consciousness continues it can create, what Cornell West calls a Nihilistic threat; internalizing the negative impressions of your racial group and therefore yourself. Beverly Daniel Tatum points out in her book â€Å"‘Why Are All the Black Kids Sitting Together in the Cafeteria? ’† that young children do not view racial differences as an issue but rather as a topic of curiosity, however, as the child reaches, what she calls, the â€Å"encounter stage† around adolescence race becomes very noticeable and if parents are not careful, their child will internalize all of the negative connotations of what it is to be Black (p. 55). The rest of that child’s life they will be reminded daily of their race, not necessarily in demeaning racial slurs, but in indirect forms of racism and prejudices. Unlike their White counterparts, Black Americans do not have the privilege of letting their race be invisible in society. Being the dominant group, White is expected and accepted-their race is invisible but as a minority group, Blacks do not have the choice of blending in; race is not only an assigned part of one’s identity if you are Black but it is thickly assigned which creates the boundaries and sense of separateness among the different racial groups. Identifying oneself as Black is essential for a member of the Black minority group if they wish to avoid self conflict. Wishing that you were not Black or attempting to be something other than Black only exasperates the issue. This negative view has to do with prejudices which transformed into stereotypes about Black Americans and translated into the negative Black identity which Black adolescents begin to form and even take with them into adulthood. Ones view of what it means to be Black can be fuelled primarily through stereotypes which can lead to a disdain of your own race. This could be expressed in a need to be the opposite of all those stereotypes, which was manifested as the Black kid not sitting at the all Black table (Tatum, 1997, p. 67). He refused to associate himself with those of his race because of the stereotypes that were reflected through â€Å"the looking glass. † This can at times be rectified later in life through exposure to positive examples of Black peoples, particularly those who are college educated. According to the double consciousness, the fact that you are Black is already assigned and therefore asserting it further, is unnecessary. The idea that having a positive Black identity is contingent upon putting your race first is redundant because it is already visible to everyone you come in contact with. It is as if you are a book and your race is the plastic covering around it; people cannot open the book because the plastic is sealed so tightly around it. In order for there to be a positive black identity all that is necessary is a full acceptance of your race and the positive aspects of it. The presence of positive Black role models in the life of a Black youth early on encourages a positive Black identity and expels most of the widely spread negative stereotypes. (Tatum, 1997, p.55). With largely widespread negative views on Black Americans as a whole and stereotypes being perpetuated regularly it is easy for a Black person to feel victimized; caged into a role even. The most readily available images of Black people in the media are often those that portray blacks in dire, downtrodden striates or extreme poverty. Sadly, this generalized portrait of Black Americans is overly, the dramatized and filled with gang violence, illegal drug sale, and so on. This type of life has been glorified in popular music; rappers especially speak of having been poor and having to live in the projects-the only way to survive being crime. Whatever is most commonly projected will be the easiest to accept as your only choice if you are Black. Lack of funding in lower income communities, the majority of which are populated by Black Americans, create low grade schools decreasing the ability or even the possibility for Black minorities to go on to higher education. America is a country built on capitalism; if one group cannot keep up with the dominant group financially they will fall back. Only 30% of Black Americans are impoverished but as a whole, are widely accepted as poor because of the media’s attention on densely populated, majority black communities (Butler-Sweet, 2011, Nov. 10). When this negative view becomes the norm, it is hard for Black youth to see much else, which is often why the minority of Blacks who rise above the negative stereotypes their racial identity is questioned by others of their same race. Since the idea of a middle class and the suburbs is a social class largely dominated by the dominant white group, some would find Black Americans as a part of that middle class to be an oddity. It is automatically assumed that because the White race is dominate in American society that they would have the jobs, the wealth, education and ability to enter seamlessly into the middle class realm and above. However, racial prejudices and stereotypes have made it so that it is quite uncommon to find a Black family in a predominantly White suburb; the symbol of the middle class. Somehow, through hard work, sacrifice or well-off parents, Blacks have managed to go on to higher education and thereafter; higher paying jobs, earning them a spot in the middle class. Unfortunately, this kind of success among Black people of the middle class does not sit well with those that live below it. It is the truest statement to say that personally, growing up in a largely White suburb, endured an intense inquisition about my racial affiliation from my Black peers who were bused in from Hartford. I was told that I â€Å"dressed White†, â€Å"talked White†, and many a time that I was in fact White or an â€Å"Oreo† as they would put it. Many of my White friends would joke around with me that I was not Black. There is nothing more offensive than being told, in so many words, that because your parents were educated, held well paying jobs, bought a house in the suburbs and educated you in a majority White school system, that you were no longer Black; worse even, being scrutinized and ignored by people of your own race because of a difference in social class. Tatum speaks of the same issues in her book, she even states how important it is for young Black people in predominantly White communities to connect with other Black peers to share experiences and increase awareness of daily life outside of the suburbs (Tatum, 1997, p.69-70). One would think that coming to a university with a larger community of Blacks than in my high school would open doors, but sadly I find that the divide is almost completely the same. The Black friends I have made since attending the University of Connecticut have been ones that share a similar background as myself; rarely do non-suburban Black people and I become friends and it is not for lack of effort on my part. I would like to think that I keep a positive attitude towards both Whites and Blacks but because of the stereotypes so deeply ingrained in many of us, it is difficult to lay them down and redirect our way of thinking. It is this reason, among others why other racial and sometimes ethnic minorities have difficulty being accept in America, Asian Ethnic and Racial Identity Construction The entrance into America for Asians is considered to be the first wave of immigration. This wave is relatively recent beginning in the early 19th century with the Chinese who immediately moved out west where the work they were given was largely agricultural. Like all immigrants coming into the United States, the Chinese, Japanese and later other groups like Filipino, Korean, and Vietnamese, among others, all faced discrimination from the dominate White group. When the Chinese first entered they were very hardworking and skilled while working on the transcontinental railroad but having not been in America long enough and having so many Chinese coming in their seemingly flawless work ethic was viewed as a threat by their fellow White workers. After the Chinese Exclusion Act was put into action in 1882, Japanese immigrants began to make their way into America but the same thing happened to them. Their advanced skills in agriculture were considered a threat to the Whites. They were taking their jobs and since farmland is not something that goes away, the Japanese were able to establish themselves a little better than the Chinese (Butler-Sweet, 2011, Nov. 28). The manner in which the group entered into the United States is the reason why their history is so important to their formation of a positive Asian American identify. The entrance of the various Asian groups into the United States and the acceptance of them were bound to be a bit difficult. The size of the group was large enough to be considered a threat to the dominant white group and because they had a tendency to settle down together, making it difficult for them to assimilate into American culture. The second wave of Asian Immigration is a part of present day America and this idea of being threatened by the skillfulness of Asians is still something that the dominant group feels and makes a point to mention often. In the first wave of immigration, the Chinese and Japanese succeeded because the work they found in the United States involved the use of skills they had already cultivated in their specific countries and so the excelled. Here in this second wave it is the same thing; whatever the Asian group is good at in their places of origin are the skills they will take with them when immigrating and that is why this idea of the Model Minority Myth has been created (Monk, 1996, p. 31). Asian American’s ability to succeed so effortlessly it seems, in large part can be attributed to the fact that much like the dominant White group, Asian Americans have the ability to assert their specific ethnicities. Similar to Black Americans, Asian Americans have an assigned race; when it comes to their ethnicities, which hold more value to them than their race, it is of greater significance to how they identify. However, non-Asian groups tend to lump every Asian ethnicity under one â€Å"Pan Asian† label but Asian Americans refuse to accept this (Kibria, 2002, p.73-74). Instead of agreeing with the reflection they see from other people about their race, as mentioned previously in regards to Cooley’s â€Å"Looking Glass Self†, Asian Americans place a great amount of emphasis on their specific country of origin and its traditions and cultures in order to define themselves. In the first wave of immigration, Asian Americans would settle in closely knit communities with their specific ethnic group; in those communities, they would all help each other out making it easier to survive in America. Even today, there are large communities of Asian Americans who choose to live close to each other to keep that sense of having a culture and traditions that separate them from everyone else. Having these tightly knit communities makes it easier for Asian Americans to succeed because they have a constant support group and people to fall back on if they need it (Monk, 1996, p. 37-38). Being in such constant close contact with those who share your culture background and infuse it into daily life definitely helps with forming a positive Asian American identity, regardless of outside influences. Some of the dominant White group believes that if given the chance, over time Asian Americans could have the potential to fully assimilate to American culture and become ultimately â€Å"white. † This idea of racial ethnogenesis is that the later generations of Asian Americans as well as incoming groups of Asians will simply begin to blend into American culture to the point that they will just embrace the racial category they have been placed in and forget about their ethnic background (Kibria , 2002, p. 14). What would this do for the identity construction of Asian Americans? Would their full assimilation into American culture really improve their quality of life anymore? The identity construction of Asian Americans would be so unlike every other identity if they simply assimilated completely into American culture. Letting go of cultural ties and accepting the general name for people of your same race will not improve the quality of life significantly because their race is still visible. Again, culture is a choice, race is not. Although Asian Americans are capable of choosing their ethnic identity and asserting it like the White ethnics, they also share the disadvantage of being assigned to their race like Black Americans because their race like Blacks is very visible. Since their race is visible it creates this aspect of constraint which makes it difficult for people to not see your race and therefore puts limits on how people will treat you or what jobs you can attain. Regardless of the success Asian Americans have in academics and achieving higher paying jobs, there is still a â€Å"glass ceiling† they have to deal with (Monk, 1996, p. 42). The visibility of their race keeps them from being hired as corporate CEOs or being in leadership positions in general. Excelling most commonly in mathematics and sciences often places Asian Americans in behind the scenes type of work that pays well but does not require them to be out in the open as public figures in the corporation. The added factor of an accent for more recent immigrants can also serve as additional restriction to entering into the higher echelons of business (Monk, 1996, p. 43). The positive connotations that come with being Asian American as well as the negative can have an adverse affect in identity construction. Being considered to be a â€Å"Model Minority† definitely can create some hostility especially for second and third generation Asian Americans. When non-Asians assume that you get A’s in school and that you are inherently good at mathematics it becomes a burden (Kibria, 2002, p. 87). Just the same, negative stereotypes about the foods that different Asian American cultures eat or assuming that because certain physical features are similar among the different ethnic groups, they are all the same, can create negative feelings about being Asian American and that is not good for the development of a healthy ethnic or racial identity. The saying â€Å"Asian Invasion† (Monk, 1996, p. 44) is very common I personally even have used it in jest and so have some of my Asian friends; I assumed that its use was okay. Generally, my second generation Asian friends will use this term when talking about either the Asian students who are studying abroad on campus, or in regards to first generation Asian Americans. This makes me wonder if my friends have assimilated enough into the dominant white culture that they no longer can see themselves associating with the incoming Asians. It is hard to determine whether the statement is meant as a joke or a commentary against ethnic Asians. Conclusion Having explained the different forms of identity construction through the examples of White ethnics, Black Americans and Asian Americans it has been made clear that identity construction cannot be viewed the same for a ethnicities and races. White ethnic identity comes in many different shapes sizes and forms ranging from symbolic, non-exisistent, or thinly asserted to a large part of how one identifies or thickly asserted. The option to pick and chose which part of your heritage you prefer over another or not at all is how white ethnics construct their identities. The majority of white ethnics who choose the route of symbolic ethnicity opposed to asserting either thinly or thickly a certain ethnicity is often because the dominant American culture has become of greater value to their identity than anything else and choosing an ethnic symbol to place on themselves is what will separate them from the rest of their fellow white ethnics or bring them closer to someone who holds the same ethnic symbol. Just the same, the constant pressures placed on Black Americans to play multiple roles are a difficult task. Shaping a positive identity of any kind is difficult but to shape a positive Black identity in America holds a certain amount of extra weight to it. Black Americans struggle trying to advance themselves because of the constant racial stereotypes reverberating in the background. If you do manage to elevate into the higher ranks of American life your racial loyalty will then be questioned. Is it possible that over time these stereotypes will dissipate or is there a reason they are kept alive? The unique combination of both ethnic choice and racial constraint makes Asian American identity construction the most interesting form of identity construction so far. Since the first wave of immigration into the second one, Asian Americans have dealt with a slew of racial injustices in America but they have also gained a great deal of merit mostly for being the â€Å"ideal† so to speak. Being hard workers and keeping close ethnic ties have made Asian Americans competition for White ethnics. In the future, whether or not they will completely assimilate or not is questionable and what toll it will take on their identity construction. Having the option to choose a part of your identity which no one can see will never outweigh your racial assignment. What is it, or is it possible to have a truly positive White ethnic or Black or Asian racial identity in America? The constant changes in society make it impossible to know.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

The Macroeconomic Environment of Business Essay

The Macroeconomic Environment of Business - Essay Example This unemployment involves people being temporarily between jobs, searching for new ones; it is compatible with full employment. It is sometimes called search unemployment and is seen as largely voluntary. It arises because either employers fire workers or workers quit, usually because the individual characteristics of the workers do not fit the individual characteristics of the job including matters of the employer's personal taste or the employee's inadequate work effort. Structural unemployment involves a mismatch between the workers looking for jobs and the vacancies available. Even though the number of vacancies may be equal to the number of the unemployed, the unemployed workers lack the skills needed for the jobs - or are in the wrong part of the country or world to take the jobs offered. Structural unemployment is a result of the dynamic changes of a capitalist economy such as technological changes. Supply-side economic policies are tools which aim to increase aggregate supply in order to attain economic growth and low inflation. The central concept of supply side economics is Says law which states that "supply creates its own demand," or the idea that one must sell before one can afford to buy. Therefore good economic policy encourages increased production, rather than attempts to stimulate demand. Basically, supply-side policies' main concern is affecting a tax rate which strongly encourages working and investment. Thus, supply side policy is essentially interested in the type of taxes levied and the specific tax rate. Supply-side economists contend that tax reductions will negate inflation and increase economic growth through the following: 1. Investment and Savings-Lower taxes will increase disposable income and increase household savings. Similarly, tax reductions on business will increase the profitability of investment. In short, lower taxes will increase both savings and investment which will result in a nation's stock of capital. 2. Work Incentives-Lower personal income tax rates increase after-tax wages and thus encourage work. As a result, any people not already in the labor force will offer their services, and those already in the labor force will want to work more hours and take fewer vacations. 3. Risk Taking-Lower taxes will encourage risk takers like entrepreneurs to invest. On the other hand, demand side policies' main goal is the promotion of economic growth by affecting the level of aggregate demand. Discretionary fiscal policy is where the government deliberately changes taxes or government expenditure in order to alter the level of aggregate demand. An example is lowering the income taxes in order for consumers to have more disposable income to spend for goods and services. The government can also use monetary policy to monitor the growth of the aggregate demand by (a) controlling the level of money supply directly, (b)

Friday, September 27, 2019

Article Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 18

Review - Article Example The audiences for the article include students, human resource managers, scholars, and other people involved in managerial duties. As cited by Brum (2007), a committed employee is one who is projected to remain at any given organization. The article defines the way we think of training employees in view of employee commitment and retention. The author evaluates a variety of literature in lieu of finding the gaps in the literature. The study evaluated the determinants of employee commitment, including investment, reward, and lack of alternatives. The study used a large variety of literature which increased the reliability and validity of the collected data. From literature employees are retained in firms that have heavily invested. Most employees also view training as a gift or reward thus enhancing their morale, job performance, and commitment, thus resulting in reduced employee turnover. When there is lack of alternatives, there are increased chances of the employee being committed. In other words, there are alternatives but the available alternatives are not better than the current ones. It has been found out that training is a tool can aid firms in developing a more committed and productive workforce. In the reward system, the employee assists the company more because the company has also assisted him or her. This creates a sense of debt in the employee towards the organization. In the study, Brum reported that training plays a very crucial role in the development of employee commitment. The employees participate in training programs with certain needs as well as objectives. If the outcome of the training program does not meet the needs of the participants, it results in negative change in attitude, lower commitment, and increase in the number of employees leaving the firm. Brum (2007) also pointed that those employee who considered training as the most relevant to their current jobs had the capability to acquire

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Midterm Essay Question about Germany Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Midterm Question about Germany - Essay Example Strategy The Germany’s military strategy was to control Alsace region up to the mountain range, the Thionville and Metz in order to protect the borders and sovereignty of Germany. The military had also planned to control the Thionville and Metz during the war. The developing of the strategy of taking over the aforementioned lands helped Germans to win in the Franco-Prussian war in 1871 and contributed to the defeat of France and emergence of united German state. Economy According to Pohlsander (27), the military had interest in some states like the Alsace-Lorrain which had iron-ore and coal resources. With the help of these natural resources German leaders planned to develop the country’s economy. The main goal was military annexation since France had lost some land and inhabitants. It had also lost its mining and steel potential. The German Empire wanted to achieve growth of its economy and so the creation of a free independent nation-state able to wage war against its neighbors was a must at that time. Factors from European World that Contributed to Germany’s Development from 18 Century through 1871 Germany’s development was contributed to by different factors during that period; these included political and military factors, the factor of French culture and religious reforms among others. The Prussian State The German Prussian state played a major role in the development of Germany. Prussia was the biggest state and also most developed one which controlled Zollverein and most of the German states during that period. Zollverein was a union that was used to enable the states to compare their developments and statuses within the context of... The European world contributed majorly to the development of Germany. The victory in the war made the nation stronger as from 1871 the military forces continued becoming more powerful and grew in number as the French wanted revenge (Pohlsander 53). There was economic growth due to the unification of the states, which enabled them to trade and contributed to civilization growth. Despite the fact that a lot of citizens lost their lives either in war or due to epidemics like different diseases, Otto von Bismarck was able to defeat France in war. Germany established its own state which it is still among the most powerful nations in the world. We have learnt that the economic development from 1815-1871 contributed to Germany’s unification as only after the war with the economic boom Germany became the nation as it is today.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

The Presidency and the Constitution Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

The Presidency and the Constitution - Assignment Example One of the few countries which have a two-party system that have the opportunity to control the government in the United States of America. Republicans were started in 1790 by the federalists and on the other hand, we have the Democrats. The two parties are the major political competing forces in America, the two parties have different ideological differences and thus all the partisan use  possible means to attract the attention of the residents and influence them so that they can get a chance to win the presidency as well as gubernatorial and Senate posts. The president has constitutional, institutional and political powers. The president powers are in the constitution under Article II of the constitution which starts by declaring the president as the chief executive. The constitution defines how the president should be chosen and all the powers are listed and thus the president is elected by the people for the purpose of powerful presidency and independence. In section 2 and 3 of united states of America constitution, the presidential powers and duties are outlined clearly, for example, the president has the power and duty to nominate judges, make treaties with other countries, nominate other public officials in the government and even grant pardons. When dealing with the constitution it should not be revoked by any member unless some of the amendments are made. The delegated powers given by the constitution should be followed to the letter since violation of the same will lead to a jail term and other stipulated measures. The president is the commander in chief of the National Military and another state National Guard Units, the power is given to the president is stipulated in the constitution and thus the Congress has the power to declare war to other countries which post threats to other nations. For example, in the case of chemical weapons that are manufactured by other countries or mass killings of civilians, the constitution states that through the Co ngress military can be deployed there to deal with the situation.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

The Multicultural Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

The Multicultural Marketing - Essay Example Today almost all major corporations are actively marketing their products beyond their original homeland borders. Infact the issue is generally not whether to market a brand in other countries or to target multiple audience but rather â€Å"how to do it† (as the same product with the same â€Å"global† advertising campaign, or â€Å"tailored† products and localized ads for each country). Today, marketers are much more aware of the significant opportunity that the varying demographic groups present. What's more, they realize that they can no longer afford to neglect the combined buying power of ethnic Americans who, according to estimates, make up $1.3 trillion, or 18.5%, of all US buying. To appeal to these highly lucrative and diverse audiences, marketers are abandoning traditional mass-marketing practices in favor of laser-focused, multicultural marketing efforts. This paper is discussing following points: 1. Understanding what is multicultural marketing? 2. Ways in which ethnicity can be incorporated into marketing strategy. 3. Presenting steps that how a marketer can reach its diverse customers in best possible way. 4. Importance of marketing for multicultural audience, and the benefits and advantages from being unique marketers for multicultural audience. ... This paper although focuses on cross-cultural marketing, the discussion is at the level of the individual nation-state rather than marketing between countries. In multicultural societies the composition of the population can be highly culturally diverse, comprising many ethnic groups which necessitate a cross cultural approach to marketing strategy and management as suggested by Rugimbana and Nwanko (2003). Here it is important to highlight the importance of ethnicity in marketing in multicultural societies or as WiLkison and Cheng (1999: 106) refer to it â€Å"international marketing at home. TECHNIQUES FOR MULTICULTURAL MARKETING: According to Tharp (2001), decision-makers in organizations in multicultural markets should have the skill of â€Å"border mentality† — identifying multiple situational-cultural meanings, or should perform the role of transmigrants† — bridging or overlapping agents among two or more subcultures. In order to be broad minded foll owing techniques should be adopted: 1) To spot patterns that allow subcultures to be grouped together, so that a common marketing Strategy may be extended to several subcultures in a group (â€Å"transcultural† marketing); 2) To develop a distinct marketing strategy for each subculture, if there is a significantly distinct cultural dimension that is important to the specific culture (multicultural marketing); 3) To further segment audiences in a subculture, if needed, in terms of cultural affinity, cultural identity or acculturation level (tactical adaptation within a subculture); 4) To develop parameters of culturally acceptable marketing stimuli; and 5) to establish a protocol for measuring cultural effectiveness of the stimuli. THE MOST CRITICAL ISSUES FACED BY MANAGERS   The critical issues are defined

Monday, September 23, 2019

Does Quantitative Easing Policy in US Affect Market Liquidity Research Proposal - 1

Does Quantitative Easing Policy in US Affect Market Liquidity - Research Proposal Example The effect is due to the contrast it has in increased awareness of potential risk and the cost that are associated to quantitative easing as expressed by policy makers as purchases continued (Krishnamurthy & Vising-Jorgensen, 2011). In the initial program of quantitative easing, officials of Federal Reserves suggested potential risk but the focus they had was mainly on implementation of the program without taking into consideration the costs that were associated with the ongoing purchases. They were mainly concerned with using the policy to support stronger economic recovery (Krishnamurthy & Vissing-Jorgensen, 2011). The effect that quantitative easing had to the economy is on the stimulation. Through the policy, the federal government is able to auction large quantities of treasuries so that they pay for expansionary fiscal policy. As the treasuries are bought, demand increases keeping yields of the treasury low. This leads to keeping the consumer debts affordable since treasuries are the basis of long term interest rates. This is also similar to corporate bonds as they allow business to expand more cheaply. To show liquidity channel, analysis can be made on the second program of Fed which was from November 2010 and was concluded in 2011. In the period, there was effect on priced frictions to trading in the market for treasury inflation protected securities and the markets that they were related for inflation swap contracts. To quantify the effects of TIPS purchases on the functions the market and the related market for inflation swaps, there is use of sum of TIPS and inflation swap liquidity premiums (Lessambo, 2013). The measure is only reliant on the law of one price and provides a good proxy for the priced frictions to trading. The hypothesis formulated for the study is that there are several ways through which quantitative easing has affected

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Key aspects of Wal-Mart Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Key aspects of Wal-Mart - Assignment Example By integrating all the players within the supply chain, conflicts can be avoided as all players are integrated into a leaner operating model which generates relatively similar results for all. (Ireland) Information exchange, effective communication and partnering at various stages of the supply chain can also ensure decision rights are realigned to provide space to every player in the overall supply chain of the organization. Some of the conflicts which can arise as a result of having different objectives include conflicts on the margins, delivery schedules, production quantities, freight charges etc. Since Wal-Mart also has an advanced level of IT system in place therefore it can share with its larger suppliers its data which can reduce such conflicts as vendors can easily track the production requirements and schedule the deliveries accordingly. A strong information technology system can help large firms to easily share the data with vendors to avoid any conflicts. One of the key b enefits achieved by Wal-Mart through its effective and efficient supply chain is that of the lower prices. Wal-Mart has been successful because of its ability to lower the prices for its end customers and this has only been achieved through a strong focus on cost cutting and achieving efficiencies in its operations. Since, supply chain is the key to the success of managing inventories at desired level therefore it becomes important for Wal-Mart to actually reduce costs and improve its supply chain to pass on the benefits of savings to its customers in the form of low prices.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Philosophy of Education Essay Example for Free

Philosophy of Education Essay Philosophy of education is sometimes referred to as the immediate objectives of education. Immediate objectives on the other hand are purposes which a subject at a given time must aim to achieve through the courses of study or the curriculum. Its aims constitute a very important aspect of the total education. They are more specific and they can be accomplished in a shorter period of time, maybe a day or a week. These, too, are considered goals of specialization. Educational aims cannot be determined apart from the purpose of society which maintains the school. The purpose of any society is determined by the life value which the people prize. As a nation, we have been striving always for the values which constitute the democratic way of life (Demiashkevich, 2003). Theory and practice in modern education have been influenced greatly by the educational philosophy in successive interpretations of the fundamental purpose of education. Since the aims and objectives of education embody the democratic ideal to which we as a nation are committed, they cannot be achieved through a rigid system of indoctrination and control. The application of the principles of teaching and learning always has definite goals. If the teacher wants to obtain desired results, he should know what those goals or objectives are. The usefulness of the principles themselves can best be determined by their appropriateness to the aims and objectives sought. Our primary need, therefore, is to present and develop the philosophical and psychological aims of education (Peterson, 2000). The philosophical aims of education require all public and private schools in this country to pursue, in the development of every child, regardless of color, creed, or social status. All educational institutions shall aim to inculcate love of country, teach the duties of citizenship, and develop moral character, personal discipline, and scientific, technological, and vocational efficiency. The study of the Constitution shall be part of the curricula in all schools (Peterson, 2000). The State shall provide citizenship and vocational training to adult citizens and out-of-school youth, and create and maintain scholarship for poor and deserving students. Moreover, religion shall be taught to their children or wards, in public elementary and high schools as may be provided by law. The State shall provide scientific research and invention. The advancement of science and technology shall have priority in the national development. Furthermore, education shall aim to develop moral character, personal discipline and civic conscience, and develop the attitudes among our youth and strength moral and ethical standards. It must also impart the skills, instill the attitudes and spread the values that are essential to rapid and sustained economic growth. The curriculum of public and private schools will emphasize scientific and technical professions, managerial and vocational skills, and the dignity of labor and standards of excellence (Demiashkevich, 2003). It can be said that the above resolution called for the restructuring of our educational system, public or private, to enhance nationalism or love of country and to achieve social goals.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Medea Euripides Analysis

Medea Euripides Analysis So long as the immense passion of the tragic heroine of the play is considered, Euripidess Medea is a work of pathetic tragedy from Aristotles point of view. It opens up with a major conflict between the heroine and her husband; the anger of a woman hero for her dishonest husband. Throughout the play, we see the culmination of anger and hatred rising to a point where everything dissolves and an anticlimactic end is attained through the accumulation of revenge in Medea. This is actually a shortcoming for a piece of tragedy because it does not reach to the highest possible quality and complexity from a plot as Aristotle would term it. The most important integral aspect in tragedy is its plot, the imitation of action. Because of the faulty treatment of the subject in hand, Euripides fails to achieve a complex plot in Medea. When Aristotle plunges into the components of a plot that make it complex, he cites three necessary elements successively; reversal of intention, recognition, and catastrophe. Accordingly, both reversal of intention and recognition must go hand  in hand in a cause-and-effect chain that ultimately in turn creates the catastrophe in the play for the best effect. However in Medea, we can observe no real reversal of intention as Medea is well de termined to take revenge from Jason in some way or the other right from the very start. Although there is an event where Medea directs her anger over her own children, this occurs in such an unexpected manner that it is difficult to consider it as a reversal of intention because there is no reasonable explanation or recognition for it to come afterwards. This unquestionably results in Medea lacking a recognition as there is no reversal of intention that precedes it. Medea already knows about the marriage of Jason to Creons daughter, and there is no other slight recognition that can be said to change the fortune of the tragic heroine. One could say that Aegeuss assurance of security in Athens for Medea is a discovery that allowed Medea to further proceed with her plans, but this is somewhat questionable as we can clearly see that she is determined to execute her planned scenario whether or not Aegeuss sudden appearance was included. The only surprising event that we can find remarkab le is when Medea slays her own children. This action is the one and only tragic incident that Aristotle would see as tragic. If this one and only tragic element did not exist, we could hardly say that Euripidess Medea was a tragedy even with a simple plot. But again, a surprising event can be favored only when it has relevance and a cause-and-effect relationship with the plot. That is however not exactly the case for Medeas decision to kill her children. Nevertheless, the intended action is executed in the end by the heroin, an act that is better than intending and not doing. When Aristotle comes to the skill of a tragedian to create a perfect unified play, he emphasizes the importance of firstly the complication, and secondly, the unraveling of the plot. To him, the best tragedian is one who can succeed in making these two parts equally well. But as long as in Medea there is no reversal of intention and recognition except for a simple catastrophe, the unraveling lacks the magnitude of the complication where Medea strategically makes plans, prepares for revenge, and tries to survive the pain. Moreover, the denouement of the play by a Deus ex Machina, a God interfering and allowing Medea to escape with a chariot, is very irrational for Aristotle as it does not arise out of the plot naturally. The Deus ex Machina used in Medea can be seen as faulty from another point which attributes to Aristotles moral understanding. Medeas escape or somewhat survival is morally not acceptable as she commits a cruel deed in killing her own children. We know that she is a descendent of a god and is the daughter of a king. But other than such circumstances she is in, she is in fact no better than us. Her tragic flaws such as extreme passion and anger all surpass being small frailties but they are rather vices. Though we see Medeas feelings of suffering through the visible evils of Jason, it is not easy for the audience to sympathize with a child murderess. Additionally, the past life of Medea is also full of blood and sin which are reminded to us from time to time either by the Chorus and ev en Medea herself. This ultimately results in the significant problem of Medea as a tragedy, as it fails in invoking catharsis towards the audience as little emotions of pity or fear can be aroused by the downfall of an utter villain. In Medea there is only one major plot which gives it a credit as a tragedy in Aristotelian terms. The struggle between a dishonest male and a sorceress female is the one and only simple basis of this plot. We dont see the level of complexity and perfection that Aristotle would seek, but our attention is not lost as Euripides does succeed us to be focused on the passionate angers and emotions of Medea throughout the whole play. Thus, the effect of tragedy is to a somewhat certain extent achieved in Medea but still fails in the main and most important purpose; the emotional cleansing that the audience is supposed to feel towards Medea. Statement of Intent Euripidess Medea revolves around the central passion of revenge towards her adversaries by the main protagonist, Medea as a result of her husband, Jasons betrayal towards her by an engagement to the daughter of Creon, King of Corinth. I decided to write a critical review of Medea through an Aristotelian perspective as to how Aristotle would criticize it if he had the chance. As Medea was different to the Aristotelian tragedies of the time, I expected that the Athenian audience would have responded in confusion and disfavor. I took Aristotles works of the Poetics as a backbone to my criticism. I tried to make the review critical in the sense that it not just only explains as to how the elements in Medea differ from Aristotles theory of tragedy, but attempts in exploring as to what effects were lost and why it mattered. In the early stages of my review, I criticize how Euripidess failure in creating a complex plot of one that Aristotle would expect results in how Medeas character is portrayed in a very limited and monotone manner in which her fate is seemingly doomed to lead to the final catastrophe from the very start. By breaking up the structure and examining its lack of Aristotelian concepts of tragedy in Medea, it allows one to lead to the discovery that the common understanding of Medea as a tragedy is actually an oversimplification and that one could even come to the conclusion that it barely qualifies to be even a tragedy by Aristotelian understanding. The criticisms towards the structural component of plot in Medea link into the characteristic flaws of Medea throug h my criticisms towards Euripidess use of the Deus ex Machina to resolve the plot in the final moments of the play. This sudden denouement in the play would strongly matter to Aristotle as its irrational manner would lack a unity where the action of each event leads inevitably to the next in a structurally self-contained manner that is connected by internal necessity, not by external interventions such as the one used by Euripides. Moreover, the Deus ex Machina has the strongest effect on the audience in which it ultimately fails to invoke the tragic emotions of pity and sympathy in the form of a catharsis towards the protagonist despite Euripidess attempts at doing so through the easily visible exposures of Jasons atrocities. This failure is not only just simply due to the immoral nature in which Medea kills her children, but from the fact that her life is full of atrocities which she does not seem to feel guilty as she confesses in her quarrel with Jason, I lit the way for your es cape I betrayed my father and my home I killed King PeliasAll this I did for you. And you, foulest of men, have betrayed me. (P33, Lines 460-468) Despite all the criticism that I have given to Euripides in my review, I do give credit to Euripides as to how he still manages to grasp hold of the audiences attention and involvement in the play. Nevertheless however, I still conclude with the Aristotelian perspective that the play still lacks the magnitude and perfection that Aristotle would have expected, which ultimately result in my greatest criticism that Euripides fails in creating the effect of convincement towards his audience to sympathize with Medeas emotions through catharsis.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

The Role of Computers in the Criminal Justice Field :: Technology Benefits Essays Papers

Computers take part in a big role in the Criminal Justice Field. So far computers have allowed us to make it accessible for witnesses to go through and look for a suspect's picture on the screen. Computers have enabled us to be able to do DNA testing. Which now only takes the labs a short time to process, and finding criminals from cases 15+ years ago can now be charged for their actions. There are laptop computers in police vehicles; therefore, police officers can look up information right then and there instead of having to wait until they get back to the station. Some cars even have the wireless Internet connection that goes through satellite which allows them to do even greater things. Computers have also allowed the use of fingerprinting to expand. Agencies can now take someone’s fingerprints and send them through the computer and find out if they are linked to any other cases going on at the time, or any other cases in the past. Also, Criminal Investigators can determine how a fire started by using computer analysis devices. Whether or not an accelerant was used in a fire such as: gasoline, kerosene, lighter fluid, or if the fire just accidentally happened. Computers are used at traffic stops. The officer can find the vehicle identification number (VIN) and calls the number in to the secretary and the secretary lets the responding officer know whether or not the vehicle belongs to the driver of the car, to make sure the vehicle isn’t stolen. If the car is stolen the officer car arrest the person right then. The use of computers by officers of the law allows lists of prior criminals to be kept on file. These files can be viewed at the push of a button. No longer do police officers have to go to the filing cabinet to find the needed information on a criminal. Also list can be kept of all citizens with prior tickets, misdemeanors and felonies. This can make the process of narrowing down suspects much easier. Databases of citizens’ personal information can also be found. Therefore a person could be found easily when needed for questioning. Computers are also being used to create simulations. For instance right here on campus is something called range 2000.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

The Reality of Discrimination Essay -- Literary Analysis, To Kill a Mo

The famous novel, To Kill Mockingbird, portrayed such literary excellence, that it will always be a large mark on the history of American literature. In To Kill a Mockingbird, a novel set in the 1930s about a child heroine, discrimination and prejudices both play key roles throughout. Today, one could not imagine what life would have been like had they lived during these times. Scout Finch, a girl who, in this novel, begins to understand the reality of the problems in her small southern town, was faced with discrimination in many instances. Three forms of discrimination throughout To Kill a Mockingbird were discrimination against gender, race, and the unknown. The first example of discrimination in To Kill a Mockingbird is by gender, or sexism. There were only two children in the family of Atticus Finch: Jeremy â€Å"Jem† Atticus Finch and Jean Louise â€Å"Scout† Finch. Being that there were no other children in their neighborhood, the two children always played together. When the duo met Charles â€Å"Dill† Baker Harris one summer, they were instantly friends. To Scout, being â€Å"one of the boys† was never a problem. However, Jem and Dill began to think otherwise. When Jem became angry with Scout because of an argument over â€Å"Hot Steams†, he decides to push her, while inside the tire, down the walk and into the Radley front gate. Worried, Jem screams for her to hurry back to them; in her daze she forgot the tire. Jem ran to get it; when he came back he was scowling, â€Å"Nothin’ to it. I swear, Scout, sometimes you act so much like a girl it’s mortifyin’† (Lee 50). He used her being a girl as an insult, despite the fact that he too was scared. However, the conflict really began when Dill and Jem decided to try to make the infamous Boo ... ...ion and insult, which they would never have expected. (Felty 300) This shows the extent of seriousness with the racial discrimination dispersed throughout the South during these times. In conclusion, discrimination of gender, the unknown, and race were all present in the novel To Kill a Mockingbird. The reasons for the prejudices and discrimination were all the same. These were the â€Å"ways† in the Southern communities, and the people of Maycomb knew no other way to live. They acted out of habit because this habit was the way they were raised by their parents and their parents by their grandparents, and so on. However, starting with the trial, things would slowly begin to change. Scout would be a part of this change as she grew and her innocence was put behind her. This novel will always represent Southern American History and the ways our society changed.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

cordless tech :: essays research papers fc

A Cordless Future Wireless technology, from cell phones to business networks is revolutionizing the world we live in. Now we can access the Internet while in our cars, on the beach, and even at dinner. This wave of technology will soon be felt in full force as we begin to travel with the assistance of a computer, run businesses with high quality networks, and check last nights game on our digital phones and personal digital assistants (PDA). Advancements made by wireless technology are allowing us greater degrees of freedom, security, and efficiency. Cars are feeling the wave of wireless technology as we speak. â€Å"General Motors Corp.’s navigation systems subsidiary, OnStar Communications, will provide drivers voice access to the Internet, starting with 30 of its 2001 models. The OnStar service provides airbag deployment notification, remote door unlocking, location services, stolen-vehicle tracking, and remote diagnostics† (Wallace). It is easy to see why this techn ology is sought after, authorities will arrive on the seen faster, thieves will be detoured, and locking one’s keys in the car wont incorporate the vandalistic approach once used. Also it is figured that 50-80% of all cellular phone calls are made from vehicles, with this new technology voice activated technology, users can expect to have both hands free while talking. â€Å"With the new services, drivers will set up profiles from their desktop PC that are then kept on servers in OnStar’s service centers. With a hands free, voice-activated interface, OnStar subscribers will use voice prompts, such as â€Å"Start my E-mail† or â€Å"Start my stock quotes† to receive information via the Internet. The service will convert Internet text to speech and read the information via synthesizes voice† (Wallace). And if that isn’t enough, the price ranges from $199 to $399 a year, a great buy, as it will cut one’s insurance bill down to size. Truc king companies are also using wireless connections to the Internet. â€Å"Wireless Internet access is just fine with ePaccar, a division of truck maker Paccar Inc. in Mt Vernon, Wash. The unit is building a package that will let truck driver’s access more than weather and directions using a wireless Windows CE device in their cabs. The commercial transportation industry is working on razor-thin profit margins and is fiercely competitive, so the ability to provide the fastest and most fuel-efficient route saves truckers time and money. And providing them with wireless access to load-brokering sites lets them pick up more cargo and make more money without deviating much from their original route† (Wallace, â€Å"Wireless Everything†).

Monday, September 16, 2019

Legalization of Medical Marijuana

Many people go around and live their lives, seeing many of their acquaintances daily. What they may not know, Is what they do in their free time. So many people go home, out, anywhere they want, and they smoke pot. Having many other names, Its proper name Is Marijuana which Is made by the Cannabis plant. To the eyes of many, smoking pot Is dangerous and Immoral. To the users, It could be the opposite. It Is Illegal today, which Is a topic discussed among a wide variety of people today In the US, and even the world.Many people believe that it should be legalized for a wide variety of purposes. Those who are opposed, feel it's too dangerous to be put on the market. The legalization of marijuana is discussed about in all parts of the country, and could help in treating diseases and helping patients, but could also lead to more teen use, and even deaths. Today, there are more than a dozen states, which have legalized marijuana, many for medicinal purposes. Although it may not cure diseas es, it helps many patients to avoid, suppress, and alleviate the pain.There are many sissies In particular that it helps to alleviate. Glaucoma Is just one disease that the effects, untreated, can lead to pain, discomfort, and blindness. In general, Glaucoma is a condition that causes pressure within the eyeball. Glaucoma is when damage occurs to the optic nerve, and leads to a series of eye conditions. There are several types, but the four major ones are; open-angle (chronic) glaucoma, angle-closure (acute) glaucoma, congenital glaucoma, and secondary glaucoma. Glaucoma is the second leading cause of blindness.Once marijuana is smoked, it may alleviate the reassure. Other medications can be prescribed, but these prescription drugs have a tendency to lose their effectiveness (Grids 1). Multiple Sclerosis is another ailment, that the effects are very crippling. Multiple Sclerosis, or MS, is an autoimmune disease that affects the brain and spinal cord. Multiple Sclerosis has a long li st of symptoms that may cause pain, and/or make the patient feel uncomfortable to be In their own body (Sieve 1). Talk show host, Monnet Williams, talks about his first hand experience with Multiple Sclerosis.Williams had said, â€Å"When the neurologist said hose words – â€Å"You have MS† It hit me Like a brick. I thought the diagnosis was a death sentence (http://mm. Mantels. Org/Mantels. PH). † In his case, Monnet had episodes of excruciating pain, even prior to his diagnosis. He had been prescribed concoction, and opium, which had him suffering through painful and uncomfortable side effects. And now for many years, Monnet Williams has been using medical marijuana, inhibiting the pain caused by his disease. He has launched a public campaign, searching for a cure for MS, and the legalization of medical marijuana.Williams makes a excellent point, when he says he feels it should definitely be legalized, but strict enough, so that people who actually need it, ha ve access to it. Marijuana has allowed Monnet Williams to become a contributing member of society, and live his life again (The Dry. Oz show). But the list doesn't end there. Marijuana Is also used to treat Alchemist's, Cancer, HIVE/AIDS, ALLS, and epilepsy (James 1). Studies have also shown that the Inhalation of marijuana has also decreased that chance of lung cancer, due to certain chemicals In side of the drug, stopping the growth of plaque.Many people are against it, because of the fact that it is a smoked drug, their own arsenal of prescription drugs in their homes. Medicine cabinets are filled with a bunch of prescription, or over the counter drugs, which are more addictive, more accessible, more harmful, and have more side effects, than marijuana. There is also lots of talk about the economic benefits of the legalization of marijuana. There are hundreds of economists that support the idea (Nonfat 1). It may not end the economic crisis, but it may help us take one step closer to becoming a prosperous nation once again. Once it's legalized, it could be taxed.Once it's taxed, it could bring in millions, or even billions of dollars, to the federal government. According to Jeffery A. Minor, if Marijuana was taxed like most other consumer goods, the tax revenue would be at least $2. 4 billion annually. However, if it fell under the Sin Tax or Tobacco Tax (taxing products such as tobacco or alcohol) annual revenue may generate up to $6. 2 billion. It will also create thousands of Jobs in agriculture, packaging, marketing, and advertising (Minor 1). Look at California for instance. Since marijuana was glazed in 1996, it has accumulated a total of $14 billion, from annual revenue.This also ties into federal expenses, on containing the drug, and enforcing the law. Many users feel that this is a prohibition, not having legal access to the drug. So they must find other ways to obtain the drug. Some people go to such far ends, Just have one puff. A study was conduc ted, and in 2010, there were approximately 1,638,846 drug related arrests. About 853,869, a little more than half were arrested, because of marijuana (Borden 1). But if you go even further, you will notice that in only 100,000 asses, approximately, there was actually any use of marijuana.The other 750,000 were charged on the means that it was in their possession. This shows two things. One, that it's not as addictive as it's perceived to be. Two, all those resources that are put towards the law enforcers, could be put towards crimes that are more serious. It would allow state police and officers to concentrate on crimes such as drunk driving, school shootings, stalking, burglaries, robberies, child abuse, etc (Stammer 1). So in total, the legalization of marijuana can help treating patients with serious disease, eve economic benefits, and decrease government spending.Which is not so bad, but people are more worried about negative effects on the communities. Although there are many p ositive effects of the legalization of marijuana, there are some negative effects that people are worried about. First and foremost, many parents and adults are worried about the effects on the community, especially the youth. Many teens nowadays have been starting very young with different types of stuff from a wide variety of; cigarettes, chewing tobaccos, alcohol, and marijuana. There are many seasons why students fall under the influence.People could Just feel stressed and anxious, and feel like marijuana is the cure to all of their problems. Others feel like they need to smoke in order to be cool, and so many fall under the peer pressure. According to surveys, the amount of marijuana use has decreased between the late asses and 2007. Now, the amount has started to increase, since 2006, the use among sophomores and seniors have started to increase. In a survey conducted National Institute on Drug Abuse, 7. 2 percent of 8th graders, 17. 6 percent of 10th graders, and 22. Percent of 12th grader have smoked marijuana months prior to the survey (NADIA 1).There are many who also fear that it is a gateway drug. The younger kids start out smoking marijuana, then start going up the ladder to other tobaccos, cocaine, and but they sure leave a whole lot of side effects. There are short term side effects, and long term side effects. The short term side effects vary from impaired senses, cramps, hallucinations, paranoia, diarrhea, and an increased appetite (causing weight gain). Long term effects include loss of brain cells, energy loss, apathy, cardiovascular robbers, addiction, and pregnancy defects.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Benefits and Losses upon moving to Canada Essay

There have always been changes upon moving to another place whether it’s within the country or outside of country to abroad. When a person, after many years adjusts in a place his/she’s mind is set and comfortable with everything around him/her. Therefore, if that person moves to another place he/she will face different advantages and disadvantages. For example, I use to live in Pakistan and moving to Canada at the age of 8. I found few advantages in Canada such as the education system, and rules and regulations for all. But, disadvantages were leaving the culture, and the society. About 10 years ago, when moved to Canada, Pakistan was and still is a very slow developing country that had a medium education system even in the high end society. The system in schools in Pakistan were not based on any kind of levels such as academic, applied, and ESL compared to what it is here in Canadian high schools. Pakistani schools’ inside environment just seemed like if you are not in school rather at some tutoring center that only had rooms but no other activities or clubs going on except the sports. But Canadian school’s inside environment makes you feel like if you are actually in school the way it is decorated, different activities are going on, and every student has a locker. In Pakistan, teachers are putting too much of the load of homework and basic work on students no matter what the age, and without caring about how it will effective the student. But, I have seen in Canada that there are rules for teachers to put a certain amount of load on students. However, nowadays Pakistan has developed a better schooling system in high end society just like the British system. As you hear on the news regarding the bribery, and many more frauds happening in Pakistan that includes the government officials but solves the issues by bribing people or using power. There is just so much of the corruption in Pakistan due to the bribery. If you commit a murder and bribe the police then, you can get away easily and the police might just blame it on some poor guy who cannot even for two times a day food. There is just not bribery problem but political religion practices and the laws made. A female cannot just wear a bikini on a public beach unless that female is rich and has power. Powerful and rich people had made their own laws and if someone interrupts then, that person is punished. Some rules and laws are for everyone but are not enforced. For example, if a person is just walking on the road to his work and if police stops you for doing nothing and gives you two option that are to give some money to them or they will put the person in jail in a false case. A poor person is getting way poorer and a rich person is getting way richer. As compared to Canada, a place where everyone can practice their religion. In Canada, a person gets justice no matter who it is, rich or poor. There are different sectors made by the government for the justice of Canadian residents, for example, if you have been mistreated or stopped to practice your freedom and right then there are sectors like Charter of Rights and Freedoms, where you can claim any injustice done to you. There is no bribery or very less bribery as one out of a hundred percent bribery in Canada, therefore, the laws are fair and equal to every individual. However, Pakistan is the best place to live when comes to culture and society as the majority of people that I am more comfortable talking with are in Pakistan. Leaving the loved once around you and all that you have grown up doing will never be forgotten. I used to wake up in the morning by hearing the â€Å"ADHAAN† the holy call for prayer form the mosque on almost a daily routine and then getting ready for school, watching all kind of different people coming to your house for chit-chatting, socially gathering on a daily basis without any appointment, and playing with friends on the roof and all other stuff you are grown up in and with will not b found anywhere else. People helping each other in every little to huge problems, for example, if police came to your house and took you for just an investigation or has put a false charges on you then, the whole society or at least the people that lives by your house will just go and help you in any circumstances no matter its day/night or matter of money. Whereas in Canada, many people don’t even know their neighbours, and if in case they do still no one comes forward to help their neighbours in any circumstances. But since I have moved to Canada, I am trying to be myself but at the same time adopt the society and culture I am living in. There are always good and bad things about moving to another place, for some its good due to certain problems and for others it’s not. In this case of mine I would consider this to be as a good change as I am living in a society with the best education and everything works in an order. Everyone feels homesickness but slowly adjusts to the place they are living in. Therefore, there are always advantages and disadvantages in carious things, for example, the education, rules and regulation in Canada is an advantage for me but, the society and culture I had to leave is a disadvantage. Now that I live in Canada, I consider it as my own country.

Rain of gold Essay

In â€Å"Rain of Gold† is a detailed history of three generations of two families that have adventures and struggles overcoming many obstacles such as poverty, violence and discrimination. Initially caught up in the Mexican revolution of 1910. Tracing their migration to the United States and the difficulties they faced, it portrays an accurate picture of life in Mexico in the early 1900’s and in the coastal area of California during the time of prohibition through the 1930’s. . Socially Espirito lived in poverty that he needed some money for his people he had some sweet water that he had gotten from the Rio Urique River to go and sell it to Don Carlos store because they were poor and wanted some money for their people. So then he gave Don Carlos some gold nuggets that were worth a lot of money so he started trading the stones for food and clothing after don Carlos saw how much he was making then later, he made an offer to espirito to sell him the part of the spring but the spring was from the people who use it. Politically don Carlos sold the river because he could not get more gold because he and espirito they made an agreement saying that don Carlos will be able to only get the gold from the top part of the canyon cliff and not to dig any part around the river. So after a couple of years he knew that the best thing to do was to sell the canyon cliff to someone else. Don Carlos sold the canyon cliff to Bernardo Garcia he was a rancher that had no fear to no one or anything, he decided to dig into the river to get more gold out of it, went he knew that he wasn’t getting gold anymore he sold the canyon cliff to an American miner’s company. Everything around canyon cliff started to disappear by constructing large buildings, roads after the company prospered in 1910. Economically espirito peoples was really affected when they got kicked out of the canyon cliff because the money they were making it was for the American mining. Socially Lupe Gomez had to work at a young age and she also would help her mother with the mineros to make the food, but one day moved with her family to the U.S. in 1923 to work in the cotton and fruit fields of Arizona and California and married Juan Salvador Villasenor, who had taken a similar route, in 1929. Socially Juan was in so much in discrimination when he left Mexico to go to Los Angeles with his day Juan went to a cafà © to eat breakfast and he asked for ham and eggs and coffee when the man saw him he told Juan â€Å"but you see, my waitress, she’s new and so she didn’t know we can’t serve the Mexicans.†(Villasenor pg.232). Like on where I saw on a video that there was this soldier that was working for 38 months in the u.s.a he went to this restaurant and on outside the restaurant he saw a sign that said â€Å"no Mexicans allowed.†(Los Mineros). The Mexicans were discriminated just because they were Mexicans or also because of their skin color. Politically, the laws in the United States in the 1900s was the Mexicans were not allowed in restaurants, schools, stores, and other places just because of their skin color and because they were Mexicans. Economically In conclusion, this story is based on how this families have differences between the two families’ difficult journeys of survival yet, portrays their similarities and how their journeys culminate in the joining of the two families through the marriage of the youngest son of the Villasenor family and the youngest daughter of the Gomez family. The two families experience contrasting journeys as Juan’s family was poor in Mexico after once being rich, however, in the United States, his family becomes better off due to Juan’s entrepreneurial activities. Meanwhile, Lupe’s family does not experience the same fortune as they leave Mexico as a lower-middle class family that supported itself through its serving food to miners and occasional finding of gold, and they are not able to obtain economic prosperity when crossing into the United States and struggle to settle down and are continuously moving as they work in the fields picking crops from one place to another following the harvest. Despite the difficulties that these two Mexican families suffer in their attempt to escape the Revolution and in their hope of a better life in the United States, Rain of Gold depicts the social and economic struggles of Mexican families and the prejudice they experience in the United States and how Mexican immigration is similar to African immigration as well as Chinese and Japanese immigration into the United States. Prior to both families’ immigration to the United States, Juan and Lupe’s families are centered around their mothers. Bibliography All the sources I used: 1. Victor Villasenor 2. Acuna 3. â€Å"Los Mineros† PBS.1992.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Trend of Self Medication Among Youngsters

ABSTRACT Objective: To determine the trend of self medication among youngsters. Methods: A survey was conducted in 4 areas of Karachi, Pakistan during May 2012. Data collected was entered using SPSS version 17 to generate descriptive statistics. Data analyzed done using chi-square test to check the associations among variables. Results: The result shows that the number of youngsters participated in this study were 100, having age range of 14-27 years, the overall response is positive. There females were 37 (37%) and males were 63 (63%). This was reflected by the majority of the samples was undergraduate youngsters.By the research we get the result that people think that they could understand their own illness themselves and that leads them to self medication. Qualification and understanding own illness is not independent. Lack of time is found to be a fact that males do self medication more often then females the trend towards self medication is increasing day by day. Conclusion: Sel f medication practice increasing in the youngsters of Karachi, Pakistan mostly in males and undergraduate youngsters under age of 18-22. The reason is lack of time or not consulting to the doctor.Need to educate the youngsters to avoid such practice majority know that self medication is incorrect and some time cause side effect. Key words: Self medication, youngsters, trend, prescription. 1 INTRODUCTION 1. 1 Background of the study Self-medication is defined as obtaining and using medicine without the suggestion of a doctor either for diagnosis. Drugs for self-medication are normally name as ‘nonprescription' or ‘over the counter' (OTC) and are obtainable without advice of doctor's through chemists. Self medication is nowadays gradually being considered as a self-care component.Support of self-care is seen as give patients' every view to take accountability and create self-confidence in their ability to deal with their own health. Unlike other characteristics of self-car e, self-medication involves the use of medicines and medicines have the potential to do better as well as cause harm. This is mainly concern to these countries where there is lack of enforcement of system leading to accessibility of non prescription medicines over the counter like Pakistan. This results in extensive use of such drugs which is related with serious undesirable effects.Numerous cases studies have stated that unsuitable self-medication outcomes in wastage of resources and causes serious health hazard such as unwanted drug reactions, prolonged suffering and drug dependence. When the medication correctly done, self-medication might be save the time which spent in waiting to see a physician, may be cost-effective and also propose savings for medical schemes and the general healthcare system. The WHO has also pointed out that dependable self-medication can help patient and treat illness that do not need medical consultation and gives a cheaper option for treating common dis eases.With self-medication, the person tolerates primary accountability for the use of self-medication products. All parties concerned in self-medication should be attentive of the advantages and disadvantages of any self-medication product. Through many studies have been conducted in different populations to appraise the practice of self-medication there is a scarceness of studies on self-medication among university and medical students. To enhance our knowledge we carry on this agenda and targeted the youngsters to find out the practices of self-medication in youngsters of Karachi.This study is conduct on trend of Self-medication in youngsters of Karachi. Self medication trend is continuously increasing in youngsters. This study might be helpful to determine the rate of self medication in youngster of schools, colleges and universities of Karachi. This study also explores the injurious effects of self medication, causes for not discussing with the doctor and general issues for whi ch students rely on self medication. Self-medication is the healing of general health issues with drugs particularly proposed and labeled for utilize without any medical prescription and permitted as safe and useful for such medical issues.To enhance our information, we conduct this study in Karachi and especially target the youngsters to evaluate self medication in the youth. In Karachi, approximately every chemist sells medicines without a prescription of doctor; a phenomenon seen in many is developing countries. Self medication is a part of health care and it is measured as initial public health source in system of health care. Use of non-prescription medicines by people on their own initiative is a part of self medication and it is in common practice in youngsters for common issues related to their health.Self medication also encompasses the use of the medicines by the users for self perceived health problems or the continuing use of medications formally prescribed earlier. Furt her broading of the definition includes treatment of family members especially to minor and elderly. Adverse effects of self medication Its very common in our society that whenever we catch a cough, flu or any common disease we have fixed a prescription in our mind and we do self-medication in such situations. We ask any of our friends or neighbors who prescribes the medicine which was effective for him.We do these types of things but the main thing we forget in all this is going to a doctor. Some adverse effects of self-medication are as follows. Insomnia Due to self-medication you can face the problem of insomnia. Insomnia is a sleeping disorder this is very common now a days and one of the major reason to insomnia is self-medication. When this problem occurs again open you medicine box and do self-medication again for this problem too. This worsens your problem. When you take one type of medicine again and again you may addicted to it and you also get dependent on such medicines. Skin problems When you involve in self medication you will get some skin problem or any other allergy due to reaction of medicine. Skin problem that occur due to self-medication are itching and redness on your skin. Depression People who have a habit of taking medicines which relax them that people facing the problem of depression. Many people self-medicate themselves to get relax without the advice of doctor. This type of habit may cause serious problem and no one can deny the effects of this self-medication addiction. Skin problems through creams and lotionsSelf-medication is does not only mean to in take such medicines. Self-medication can also be using lotion or cream on your skin without the advice of doctor. This type of self medication can also cause many skin problems. 1. 2 Objective of the study The Aim/objective of this study is to determine the trend of Self medication among youngsters. 1. 3 Problem statement Although self-medication being an issue of global concern, espe cially in Pakistan self medication is very common and rising day by day. Literate people involve in the practices of self medication more than illiterate people.This study includes some general aspects of self medication to identify the frequency of self medication among the youngsters. 1. 4 Hypothesis Ho1. 4. 1:self medication among youngsters and age are independent. Ha 1. 4. 1:self medication among youngsters and age are not independent. Ho1. 4. 2: self medication among youngsters and gender are independent. Ha 1. 4. 2: self medication among youngsters and gender are not independent. Ho1. 4. 3: self medication among youngsters and qualification are independent. Ha 1. 4. : self medication among youngsters and qualification are not independent. 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 2. 1 Trends of Self-Medication According to Khalid (2010) in our country Self medication is an average. The counter sales of nearly all medicine are available without any prescription or regulation this is one of the majo r factor probably contributing to this phenomenon. In the practice of our dermatology, we commonly meet patients with acne infections due to use of topical self medication. The prevalence of self medication is extensively high in the acne infections patients in our residents.The most frequently used medication was potent topical steroids. 2. 2 Self-Medication practices According to Shankar et al (2002) Mild illness is the most common reason of self-medication which is mentioned in the literature, prior knowledge of treating related disease, lack of availability of healthcare personnel and financial considerations. Analgesics and antimicrobial are commonly used for self medications. In addition to allopathic medicines,  herbal medicines were also usually used for self-medication. 2. 3 Reasons for self-medication practiceAccording to Almasdy et al, (2011) Among university students the major reason for self-medication were their prior experiences and the majority of the authors agree d with this major reason of self medication, their health problems was measured as too insignificant and time savings. Family or friends guidance, non availability of transport, doctor was not available, capability to self-manage the symptom, urgency of the problem and have adequate information were other main reasons for self-medication practice.Have reported that the main reasons to self-medication practice among university student were lack of time and low cost consultation. 2. 4 Demographic characteristics and prevalence of self medication practice According to Hussain et al. (2011) many of these researches mentioned the mean age of undergraduates was under 25 years old. This was reflected by the majority of the samples was undergraduate students. In manner of sexual characteristics, prevalence of the undergraduates who have involved in self-medication is female.Three of these researches have been engaged to undergraduates majoring in equally health and non-health courses, while two of the studies have engaged to undergraduates simply majoring in health, and the rest did not revealed the field of the undergraduates involved in the studies. Frequency of self-medication observed among the university student was diverse. The occurrence of self-medication reported was mainly depend on how the query was created in the questionnaire.For example, the occurrence reported was authentic, if the question was concerned to the modern practice of self-medication. On the contrary, when asked whether the students had used any medication for the past one month, the incidence reported was low. However, some studies did not report the prevalence of self medication. Due to the difference in the methods used in studies, therefore, it is quite difficult to estimate the true prevalence rate of self-medication in university students. 2. 5 Benefits and Risks of Self Medication According to Carmel M et al. 2001) Practices of self-care for mild illnesses are increasingly encouraging by some governments, including self-medication. Support of self-care is observed as giving all probability to patients to take accountability and construct confidence in their capability to control their own health. Patient confidence is observed as a helpful step in the improvement of the correlation between patient and healthcare provider and is described as an significant health policy model. 2. 6 In? uences on Knowledge and Attitudes about Prescription Drugs among Teens.According to Twombly et al, (2008) escalating precise information about the hazards of recommended medicines misuse is expected to reduce misuse. In fact, there is an inverse relationship between level of perceived risk and likelihood of use when it comes to teenagers’ willingness to misuse prescription drugs. 2. 7 Symptoms leading to self-medication According to Zafar et al. (2008) Approximately in Pakistan, everyone can get medicine without any prescription, mostly pharmacy selling medicines without a d octor advise; this incident observed in every developing nations.Even, antibiotics and high potential medicines are easily available to the common man. The common practices of self-medication among undergraduates is leading to the main symptoms of self-medication were headache or mild pain; fever; flu, caught and cold; and diarrhea. Others symptoms includes allergy, skin problems, inability to sleep, vomiting, eye and ear symptoms, menstrual syndrome and others minor problems. This case study shows the outcome of the Pakistani youth's information, mind-set, and practice towards self medication. 2. 8 Sources of drug informationAccording to Hussain et al, (2008) in this research, the author explains sources of drug information in self-medication practice. In this research statement shows that the undergraduates obtain access to drug information from many resources. Which is relate to their own earlier experience, family, contacts or university course mates, pharmacy sales representati ve, doctor or nurse, and advertisement in the television, radio, newspaper, magazine or books. 2. 9 Problems-related to self-medication practices According to James et al, (2006) a new important findings significance of elf-medication highlighted in this literature was the effect of health instruction on the knowledge of drug’s side-effects amid the self medicating undergraduates. Calculate the effect of exposure to medical knowledge to equally the first year and senior medical undergraduates. The research exposed that troubles linked with self-medications were fewer in senior medical undergraduates as contrast to the first year students. Less awareness of medical information may be reason to the low self-assurance of the first year medical students 2. 0 Self -Medication among university students According to Mumtaz et al, (2011) Self medication mounting the probability of illegal use of medicine and medicine addiction and due to this the symptoms of disease are underlying th us are complicating the problem, produce drug resistance and create difficulty to diagnosis. On the other side many of people involved in self medication who accept accountability and are cautious is a source saving phenomenon to the health system. Easy accessibility of the medicine by the counter sales increases self medication.Self medication is a phenomenon and practiced almost in the countries all over the world with different prevalence. In the low and middle income countries, commonness of self medication is higher. This research is explained that the educated people tend to practice self medication more than uneducated peoples. According to this research the frequency of self medication among undergraduates of medical and non medical is nearly 80%. This study endorses earlier reported local estimates of self medication among university students. . 11 Self-Medication in Nigeria According to Fadare et al, (2011) now a day’s Self-medication is growing in the population ma ny counties as a common type of self-care behavior. Many global researches have explored the frequency and characteristics of self-medication practices at the resident’s level. In Nigeria, many studies conduct to find the frequency of self-medication in general; still the frequency of antibiotic self-medication among medical undergraduates has not been conducted.The interest in studying this practice among this select group is due to the fact that they are the future prescribes and health educators of the population of Nigeria. 2. 12 Evaluation of Self-Medication According to SD Sontakke et al, (2011) The World Health Organization has also identified that proper self-medication can help patients and treat illness that do not need medical consultation and gives a cheaper substitute for treating common diseases. With self-medication, the person takes primary accountability for the use of self-medication products.Every individual must be aware of advantages and disadvantages of self medication products who involved in self-medication practices . however many researches has been conducted in different populations to assess the frequency of self-medication there is a paucity of studies on self-medication among medical students. Support of self-care is considered as providing patients' every opportunity to construct self-confidence in their capability to control their own health. Unlike other aspects of self-care, self-medication involves the use of drugs and drugs have the potential to do good as well as cause harm. . 13 Self-medication in Sri lanka According to Wijesinghe et al, (2012) Self medication growing with increasing literacy and it is even appreciated so as to have self-sufficiency for healing, preventive , primitives and rehabilitative care . If done properly, it is helpful to save expenses of health care seekers. therefore, considering the usefulness of self-medication, the World Health Organization (WHO) has focused to develop strategy for regul atory estimation of the medicines suitable for self-medication. he frequency of Self-medication is very familiar among women, youngster, those individuals who living alone and the individuals who belongs to low financial status (SES), sufferers of chronic ailments and psychiatric conditions. Many researches in Sri Lanka were conducted to city areas which have well built-up health and hospitals networks. Substitute indicators such as self-medication prevalence for malaria indicate that self-medication is relatively low in rural areas. 2. 14 Self-Medication pattern in Punjab According to S Shveta et al, (2011) the frequency of self medication practices is common in the state.Fever, cough and cold are reasons for the use of self-medication. The most common drugs which is commonly used for self-medication is tonics and food supplements and it is taken frequently without prescription. We recommend that holistic approach should be taken to prevent this problem, which contain correct knowl edge and information regarding the self medication and strictness concerning pharmaceutical marketing. Furthermore especially in case of Punjab state ban must be implemented on counter sale of medicines. Dispensing modes in the state required to be enhanced by proper education, regulatory and administrative strategies. . 15 Self-Medication in Children’s According to Oshikoya et al, (2007) medicine use in children is of great anxiety worldwide and has received a lot of attention. Various researches have been performed in the urbanized and developing countries, and have all the countries faced many problems from mistreat and abuse of recommended medicines, and errors of medications. Children include a larger percentage of the residents in developing countries and are responsible to many illnesses as a effect of poverty. The majority of medicines in children are used outside of hospitals, both as recommended and non- recommended medicines.The primary reply by the majority famili es too many diseases in their children has been found to be use of non-prescribed medicines . Self-medication is very common among urban children in Nigeria. The presented laws concerning the use and sale of over the counter medicine, prescribed and non-prescribed drugs must be reinforced to ensure normal use of medicines. 2. 16 Self-medication practices for drug consumers According to Andualem et al, (2004) On Socio-demographic the respondents concealed the characteristic of drug consumers consist of all age category like both genders, pregnant women and breast-feeding mothers.Self-medication illnesses that reported very commonly in the respondents were headache, fever, cold, respiratory tract infection and gastrointestinal diseases. Education for the self-medication should be provided to public as well as health care providers ;i. e; this type of illnesses can be easily self-treated and diagnosed and the drug products to be used in promoting the responsible self-medication. 2. 17 Self-medication in West Uttarpradesh According to Ghosh et al, (2010) some students reported that they were alcoholic, smoker or involve in some chronic problems i. . non-communicable diseases, they have less awareness about the medicines that they use with smoking, alcohol or suffer problems with chronic diseases. Non-seriousness related to the disease is the most common reason reported for self-treated and for self-medication, previous experience on the medicine and emergency use. 2. 18 Assessment of Self-medication According to Sawalha, (2007) In An-Najah students the preference of self-medication in very common. Practice of treating this condition is done either simple or by previous experience.Even important self-medication predictors did present in the studied group, types of medications knowledge on the level of self-care orientation can be significant in analyzing the self-medication practices. 2. 19 Health care strategies According to Haider et al, (1995) treatment from som e medical systems found in majority of cases. Health care behavior for childhood illnesses and assessment of the degree and the reasons for self-medication assess in Karachi, Pakistan. The main reason is the good past experience of self-medication. he main reason is the use of different medicines by health professional that influence the parents for self-medicate to their children. Self-medication is hard to reduce but some information can be made to discourage wrong use of harmful drugs. 2. 20 Self-medication (WHO). According to WHO (1988) The WHO pointed that Self medication can help and treat illness that does not require any consultation of medication and provides a cheaper option for treat such common diseases. Yet, the person bears basic responsibility for the use of self-medication products.Due to self-medication products parties should be aware about the benefits and risks of self-medication. 3 METHADOLOGY This part presents an overview of the methods to be used in the study . Areas covered in this part include data collection, variables, sample and sampling techniques and model for analyzed the data. 3. 1 Data In this study primary data is used for gathering information. A survey was conducted in 4 areas of Karachi, Pakistan during May 2012. Data collection was entered using SPSS version 17 to generate descriptive statistics.Data analyzed complete using chi-square test to check the associations between variables. 3. 2 Variables Variables used in this study are 1. Age 2. Gender 3. Qualification 3. 3 Sample and Sampling techniques Convenience sampling techniques is use to select respondents from Gulshan-e-iqbal area. A convenience sample of 100 participants was taken. A questionnaire was distributed among participants after explaining the background of the study and objective. 3. 4 Model The model we are used. To summarize the questionnaires we used statistical model of chi-square.According to Zafar et al (2008) the author used Chi-square in his study. 4 RESULT Table: 1 QUALIFICATION v/s VARIABLES DESCRIPTION| CHI SQUARE| SIG VALUE| RESULTS| | | | | MY ILLNESS| 29. 354| 0. 007| Reject| SELF MEDICATION| 6. 425| 0. 6| Accept| PRESCRIBE| 11. 48| 0. 321| Accept| LACK OF TIME| 16. 431| 0. 37| Accept| HIGH FEES| 7. 423| 0. 492| Accept| SIDE EFFECT| 12. 461| 0. 132| Accept| DANGEROUS| 10. 582| 0. 221| Accept| YOUNGSTERS| 12. 285| 0. 139| Accept| COMMUNICATION CHAIN| 16. 846| 0. 032| Reject| It is found that the chi-square and sig. alue shows that the self medication is increasing in youngsters. the sig. value of the qualification shows that self medication (0. 6), prescribe (0. 321), lack of time (0. 37), high fees (0. 492), side effects (0. 132), dangerous (0. 221), youngsters (0. 139) these all variables were accepted and shows that are independent to the qualification Table: 2 GENDER v/s VARIABLES DESCRIPTION| CHI SQUARE| SIG VALUE| RESULTS| | | | | MY ILLNESS| 6. 053| 0. 195| Accept| SELF MEDICATION| 3. 334| 0. 504| Accept| PRESCRIBE| 9. 368| 0. 095| Accept| LACK OF TIME| 14. 038| 0. 007| Reject| HIGH FEES| 2. 38| 0. 71| Accept| SIDE EFFECT| 5. 008| 0. 286| Accept| DANGEROUS| 8. 898| 0. 064| Accept| YOUNGSTERS| 2. 356| 0. 671| Accept| COMMUNICATION CHAIN| 1. 361| 0. 851| Accept| It is found that the chi-square and sig. value shows that the self medication is increasing in youngsters. the sig. value of the gender that My illness (0. 195), self medication(0. 504), Prescribe (0. 095)high fees(0. 71),side effects(0. 286), dangerous(0. 064), youngsters(0. 671), Communication chain (0. 851) these all variables were accepted and shows that are independent to the gender. Table: 3 AGE v/s VARIABLESDESCRIPTION| CHI SQUARE| SIG VALUE| RESULTS| | | | | MY ILLNESS| 12. 914| 0. 115| Accept| SELF MEDICATION| 7. 128| 0. 523| Accept| PRESCRIBE| 7. 612| 0. 667| Accept| LACK OF TIME| 9. 468| 0. 304| Accept| HIGH FEES| 12. 789| 0. 119| Accept| SIDE EFFECT| 2. 677| 0. 953| Accept| DANGEROUS| 11. 182| 0. 192| Accept| YOUNGSTERS| 19. 388| 0. 013| Reject| COMMUNICATION CHAIN| 15. 794| 0. 045| Reject| It is found that the chi-square and sig. value shows that the self medication is increasing in youngsters. the sig. value of the age that my illness (0. 115), self medication (0. 23), prescribe (0. 667), lack of time (0. 304), high fees (0. 119), side effects (0. 953), dangerous (0. 192) these all variables were accepted and shows that are independent to the age. 5 DISCUSSION In the light of the literature review self medication is a most common practice. In this study mostly males involve in self medication. The number of youngsters participate in this study were 100, having age range of 14-27 years, the overall reply is positive. There females were 37 (37%) and males were 63 (63%). This shows that the greater part of the samples was undergraduate youngsters.In term of gender, majority of the youngsters who adept self-medication are males. Moreover, the sampling methods were varied among the studies, range from conv enience. The trend of self-medication is high in undergraduate youngsters as compared to the inter and metric level youngsters. Mostly Youngsters have a preference of self-medication, 63% of undergraduates, 18% of inter and only 19% of metric youngsters involve in self medication. By the research we get the result that people think that they could understand their own illness themselves and that leads them to self medication.Qualification and understanding own illnesses are not independent. So we accepted alternative hypothesis. Increasing communication chain is also one of the major reasons of increment of self medication in well qualified too. The above data was found to be good sufficient to maintain from literature review that the trend towards self medication is increasing literally. 6 CONCLUSION Self medication practice increasing in the youngsters of Karachi, Pakistan mostly in males and undergraduate youngsters under age of 18-22.The reason is lack of time or not consulting to the doctor. Need to educate the youngsters to avoid such practice majority know that self medication is incorrect and some time cause side effect. 7 BIBLOGRAPHY Almasdy Dedy & Azmi Sherrif , (2011 ), Self-Medication Practice with Nonprescription Medication among University Students: a review of the literature, Archives of Pharmacy Practice, Vol 2, No 3, pp 95-100. Andualem Tenaw, B. Pharm, BA, et al, (2004), SELF-MEDICATION PRACTICES IN ADDIS ABABA: A PROSPECTIVE STUDY, Ethiopia Journal health science, Vol 14, No 1, pp 1-11.Carmel M, Hughes; McElnay, James C; Fleming, Glenda F. , (2001), Bene? ts and risks of self medication, Drug Safety, Vol 24, No 14, pp 1027-1037. Fadare Joseph O & Igbiks Tamuno, (2011), Antibiotic self-medication among university medical undergraduates in Northern Nigeria, Journal of Public Health and Epidemiology, Vol 3, No 5, pp 217-220. Ghosh Sourav, Vikas, Vimal, et al, (2010), Evaluation of the practice of self medication among college students in west U ttar Pradesh, International Journal of Pharma Professional's Research, Vol 1, No 1, pp 14-18.Haider S, Thaver IH, (1995), Self medication or self care: implication for primary health care strategies, J Pak Med Assoc, Vol 45, No11, pp 297-298. Hussain Azhar, Asifa Khanum,(2008), Self medication among university students of Islamabad, Pakistan- a preliminary study, Southern Med Review, Vol 1, No 1, pp 14-16. Hussain Shahzad, Farnaz Malik, Kazi Muhammad Ashfaq, et al , (2011), Prevalence of self-medication and health-seeking behavior in a developing country, African Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, Vol 5 , No 7, pp 972-978 James Henry, Shailendra S, Handu Khalid A.J, et al, (2006), Evaluation of the knowledge, attitude and practice of self-medication among first-year medical students, Med Princ Practice, Vol 15, No 4, pp 270-275. Khalid Tanzeela, Tariq Iqbal, (2010),Trends of self medication in patients with acne vulgarus, JUMDC, Vol 1, No 1, pp 10-13. Mumtaz Yasmin, S. M. Ashraf Jahangeer, Tahira Mujtaba, et al, (2011), Self Medication among University Students of Karachi, JLUMHS, Vol 10, No 3, pp 102-105. Oshikoya K A, O F Njokanma, J A Bello, et al, (2007), Family self-medication for children in an urban area of Nigeria , Paediatric and Perinatal Drug Therapy, Vol 8, No 3, pp 124-130.S Shveta, Jagmohan S, (2011), A study of self medication pattern in Punjab, Indian Journal of Pharmacy Practice, Vol 4, No 2, pp 43-46. Sawalha, Ansam F, (2007), Assessment of self-medication practice among University students in Palestine: Therapeutic and Toxicity Implications, The Islamic University Journal (Series of Natural Studies and Engineering), Vol 15, No 2, pp 67-82. SD Sontakke, Bajait CS , Pimpalkhute SA, et al, (2011), Comparative study of evaluation of self-medication practices in first and third year medical student, International Journal of Biological ; Medical Research , Vol 2, No 2, pp 561-564.Shankar PR, P Partha and N Shenoy, (2002), Self-medication and no n-doctor prescription practices in Pokhara valley, Western Nepal: a questionnaire-based study, BMC Family Practice, Vol 3, No 17, pp 1-7. Twombly Eric C ; Kristen D. Holtz, (2008), Teens and the Misuse of Prescription Drugs:Evidence-Based Recommendations to Curb a Growing Societal Problem, J Primary Prevent, Vol 29, No 18, pp 503–516. WHO, (1988), The role of pharmacist in self-care and self-medication, Netherland.Wijesinghe R Pushpa, Ravindra L Jayakody, Rohini de A Seneviratne, (2012), Prevalence and predictors of self-medication in a selected urban and rural district of Sri Lanka, WHO South-East Asia Journal of Public Health, Vol 1, No 1, pp 28-41. Zafar Syed Nabeel, Reema Syed, Sana Waqar, et al, (2008), Self medication amongst university students of Karachi: prevalence, knowledge and attitudes, J Pak Med Assoc, Vol 58, No 4, pp 214-217. http://apps. who. int/medicinedocs/pdf/whozip32e/whozip32e. pdf Trend of Self Medication Among Youngsters ABSTRACT Objective: To determine the trend of self medication among youngsters. Methods: A survey was conducted in 4 areas of Karachi, Pakistan during May 2012. Data collected was entered using SPSS version 17 to generate descriptive statistics. Data analyzed done using chi-square test to check the associations among variables. Results: The result shows that the number of youngsters participated in this study were 100, having age range of 14-27 years, the overall response is positive. There females were 37 (37%) and males were 63 (63%). This was reflected by the majority of the samples was undergraduate youngsters.By the research we get the result that people think that they could understand their own illness themselves and that leads them to self medication. Qualification and understanding own illness is not independent. Lack of time is found to be a fact that males do self medication more often then females the trend towards self medication is increasing day by day. Conclusion: Sel f medication practice increasing in the youngsters of Karachi, Pakistan mostly in males and undergraduate youngsters under age of 18-22. The reason is lack of time or not consulting to the doctor.Need to educate the youngsters to avoid such practice majority know that self medication is incorrect and some time cause side effect. Key words: Self medication, youngsters, trend, prescription. 1 INTRODUCTION 1. 1 Background of the study Self-medication is defined as obtaining and using medicine without the suggestion of a doctor either for diagnosis. Drugs for self-medication are normally name as ‘nonprescription' or ‘over the counter' (OTC) and are obtainable without advice of doctor's through chemists. Self medication is nowadays gradually being considered as a self-care component.Support of self-care is seen as give patients' every view to take accountability and create self-confidence in their ability to deal with their own health. Unlike other characteristics of self-car e, self-medication involves the use of medicines and medicines have the potential to do better as well as cause harm. This is mainly concern to these countries where there is lack of enforcement of system leading to accessibility of non prescription medicines over the counter like Pakistan. This results in extensive use of such drugs which is related with serious undesirable effects.Numerous cases studies have stated that unsuitable self-medication outcomes in wastage of resources and causes serious health hazard such as unwanted drug reactions, prolonged suffering and drug dependence. When the medication correctly done, self-medication might be save the time which spent in waiting to see a physician, may be cost-effective and also propose savings for medical schemes and the general healthcare system. The WHO has also pointed out that dependable self-medication can help patient and treat illness that do not need medical consultation and gives a cheaper option for treating common dis eases.With self-medication, the person tolerates primary accountability for the use of self-medication products. All parties concerned in self-medication should be attentive of the advantages and disadvantages of any self-medication product. Through many studies have been conducted in different populations to appraise the practice of self-medication there is a scarceness of studies on self-medication among university and medical students. To enhance our knowledge we carry on this agenda and targeted the youngsters to find out the practices of self-medication in youngsters of Karachi.This study is conduct on trend of Self-medication in youngsters of Karachi. Self medication trend is continuously increasing in youngsters. This study might be helpful to determine the rate of self medication in youngster of schools, colleges and universities of Karachi. This study also explores the injurious effects of self medication, causes for not discussing with the doctor and general issues for whi ch students rely on self medication. Self-medication is the healing of general health issues with drugs particularly proposed and labeled for utilize without any medical prescription and permitted as safe and useful for such medical issues.To enhance our information, we conduct this study in Karachi and especially target the youngsters to evaluate self medication in the youth. In Karachi, approximately every chemist sells medicines without a prescription of doctor; a phenomenon seen in many is developing countries. Self medication is a part of health care and it is measured as initial public health source in system of health care. Use of non-prescription medicines by people on their own initiative is a part of self medication and it is in common practice in youngsters for common issues related to their health.Self medication also encompasses the use of the medicines by the users for self perceived health problems or the continuing use of medications formally prescribed earlier. Furt her broading of the definition includes treatment of family members especially to minor and elderly. Adverse effects of self medication Its very common in our society that whenever we catch a cough, flu or any common disease we have fixed a prescription in our mind and we do self-medication in such situations. We ask any of our friends or neighbors who prescribes the medicine which was effective for him.We do these types of things but the main thing we forget in all this is going to a doctor. Some adverse effects of self-medication are as follows. Insomnia Due to self-medication you can face the problem of insomnia. Insomnia is a sleeping disorder this is very common now a days and one of the major reason to insomnia is self-medication. When this problem occurs again open you medicine box and do self-medication again for this problem too. This worsens your problem. When you take one type of medicine again and again you may addicted to it and you also get dependent on such medicines. Skin problems When you involve in self medication you will get some skin problem or any other allergy due to reaction of medicine. Skin problem that occur due to self-medication are itching and redness on your skin. Depression People who have a habit of taking medicines which relax them that people facing the problem of depression. Many people self-medicate themselves to get relax without the advice of doctor. This type of habit may cause serious problem and no one can deny the effects of this self-medication addiction. Skin problems through creams and lotionsSelf-medication is does not only mean to in take such medicines. Self-medication can also be using lotion or cream on your skin without the advice of doctor. This type of self medication can also cause many skin problems. 1. 2 Objective of the study The Aim/objective of this study is to determine the trend of Self medication among youngsters. 1. 3 Problem statement Although self-medication being an issue of global concern, espe cially in Pakistan self medication is very common and rising day by day. Literate people involve in the practices of self medication more than illiterate people.This study includes some general aspects of self medication to identify the frequency of self medication among the youngsters. 1. 4 Hypothesis Ho1. 4. 1:self medication among youngsters and age are independent. Ha 1. 4. 1:self medication among youngsters and age are not independent. Ho1. 4. 2: self medication among youngsters and gender are independent. Ha 1. 4. 2: self medication among youngsters and gender are not independent. Ho1. 4. 3: self medication among youngsters and qualification are independent. Ha 1. 4. : self medication among youngsters and qualification are not independent. 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 2. 1 Trends of Self-Medication According to Khalid (2010) in our country Self medication is an average. The counter sales of nearly all medicine are available without any prescription or regulation this is one of the majo r factor probably contributing to this phenomenon. In the practice of our dermatology, we commonly meet patients with acne infections due to use of topical self medication. The prevalence of self medication is extensively high in the acne infections patients in our residents.The most frequently used medication was potent topical steroids. 2. 2 Self-Medication practices According to Shankar et al (2002) Mild illness is the most common reason of self-medication which is mentioned in the literature, prior knowledge of treating related disease, lack of availability of healthcare personnel and financial considerations. Analgesics and antimicrobial are commonly used for self medications. In addition to allopathic medicines,  herbal medicines were also usually used for self-medication. 2. 3 Reasons for self-medication practiceAccording to Almasdy et al, (2011) Among university students the major reason for self-medication were their prior experiences and the majority of the authors agree d with this major reason of self medication, their health problems was measured as too insignificant and time savings. Family or friends guidance, non availability of transport, doctor was not available, capability to self-manage the symptom, urgency of the problem and have adequate information were other main reasons for self-medication practice.Have reported that the main reasons to self-medication practice among university student were lack of time and low cost consultation. 2. 4 Demographic characteristics and prevalence of self medication practice According to Hussain et al. (2011) many of these researches mentioned the mean age of undergraduates was under 25 years old. This was reflected by the majority of the samples was undergraduate students. In manner of sexual characteristics, prevalence of the undergraduates who have involved in self-medication is female.Three of these researches have been engaged to undergraduates majoring in equally health and non-health courses, while two of the studies have engaged to undergraduates simply majoring in health, and the rest did not revealed the field of the undergraduates involved in the studies. Frequency of self-medication observed among the university student was diverse. The occurrence of self-medication reported was mainly depend on how the query was created in the questionnaire.For example, the occurrence reported was authentic, if the question was concerned to the modern practice of self-medication. On the contrary, when asked whether the students had used any medication for the past one month, the incidence reported was low. However, some studies did not report the prevalence of self medication. Due to the difference in the methods used in studies, therefore, it is quite difficult to estimate the true prevalence rate of self-medication in university students. 2. 5 Benefits and Risks of Self Medication According to Carmel M et al. 2001) Practices of self-care for mild illnesses are increasingly encouraging by some governments, including self-medication. Support of self-care is observed as giving all probability to patients to take accountability and construct confidence in their capability to control their own health. Patient confidence is observed as a helpful step in the improvement of the correlation between patient and healthcare provider and is described as an significant health policy model. 2. 6 In? uences on Knowledge and Attitudes about Prescription Drugs among Teens.According to Twombly et al, (2008) escalating precise information about the hazards of recommended medicines misuse is expected to reduce misuse. In fact, there is an inverse relationship between level of perceived risk and likelihood of use when it comes to teenagers’ willingness to misuse prescription drugs. 2. 7 Symptoms leading to self-medication According to Zafar et al. (2008) Approximately in Pakistan, everyone can get medicine without any prescription, mostly pharmacy selling medicines without a d octor advise; this incident observed in every developing nations.Even, antibiotics and high potential medicines are easily available to the common man. The common practices of self-medication among undergraduates is leading to the main symptoms of self-medication were headache or mild pain; fever; flu, caught and cold; and diarrhea. Others symptoms includes allergy, skin problems, inability to sleep, vomiting, eye and ear symptoms, menstrual syndrome and others minor problems. This case study shows the outcome of the Pakistani youth's information, mind-set, and practice towards self medication. 2. 8 Sources of drug informationAccording to Hussain et al, (2008) in this research, the author explains sources of drug information in self-medication practice. In this research statement shows that the undergraduates obtain access to drug information from many resources. Which is relate to their own earlier experience, family, contacts or university course mates, pharmacy sales representati ve, doctor or nurse, and advertisement in the television, radio, newspaper, magazine or books. 2. 9 Problems-related to self-medication practices According to James et al, (2006) a new important findings significance of elf-medication highlighted in this literature was the effect of health instruction on the knowledge of drug’s side-effects amid the self medicating undergraduates. Calculate the effect of exposure to medical knowledge to equally the first year and senior medical undergraduates. The research exposed that troubles linked with self-medications were fewer in senior medical undergraduates as contrast to the first year students. Less awareness of medical information may be reason to the low self-assurance of the first year medical students 2. 0 Self -Medication among university students According to Mumtaz et al, (2011) Self medication mounting the probability of illegal use of medicine and medicine addiction and due to this the symptoms of disease are underlying th us are complicating the problem, produce drug resistance and create difficulty to diagnosis. On the other side many of people involved in self medication who accept accountability and are cautious is a source saving phenomenon to the health system. Easy accessibility of the medicine by the counter sales increases self medication.Self medication is a phenomenon and practiced almost in the countries all over the world with different prevalence. In the low and middle income countries, commonness of self medication is higher. This research is explained that the educated people tend to practice self medication more than uneducated peoples. According to this research the frequency of self medication among undergraduates of medical and non medical is nearly 80%. This study endorses earlier reported local estimates of self medication among university students. . 11 Self-Medication in Nigeria According to Fadare et al, (2011) now a day’s Self-medication is growing in the population ma ny counties as a common type of self-care behavior. Many global researches have explored the frequency and characteristics of self-medication practices at the resident’s level. In Nigeria, many studies conduct to find the frequency of self-medication in general; still the frequency of antibiotic self-medication among medical undergraduates has not been conducted.The interest in studying this practice among this select group is due to the fact that they are the future prescribes and health educators of the population of Nigeria. 2. 12 Evaluation of Self-Medication According to SD Sontakke et al, (2011) The World Health Organization has also identified that proper self-medication can help patients and treat illness that do not need medical consultation and gives a cheaper substitute for treating common diseases. With self-medication, the person takes primary accountability for the use of self-medication products.Every individual must be aware of advantages and disadvantages of self medication products who involved in self-medication practices . however many researches has been conducted in different populations to assess the frequency of self-medication there is a paucity of studies on self-medication among medical students. Support of self-care is considered as providing patients' every opportunity to construct self-confidence in their capability to control their own health. Unlike other aspects of self-care, self-medication involves the use of drugs and drugs have the potential to do good as well as cause harm. . 13 Self-medication in Sri lanka According to Wijesinghe et al, (2012) Self medication growing with increasing literacy and it is even appreciated so as to have self-sufficiency for healing, preventive , primitives and rehabilitative care . If done properly, it is helpful to save expenses of health care seekers. therefore, considering the usefulness of self-medication, the World Health Organization (WHO) has focused to develop strategy for regul atory estimation of the medicines suitable for self-medication. he frequency of Self-medication is very familiar among women, youngster, those individuals who living alone and the individuals who belongs to low financial status (SES), sufferers of chronic ailments and psychiatric conditions. Many researches in Sri Lanka were conducted to city areas which have well built-up health and hospitals networks. Substitute indicators such as self-medication prevalence for malaria indicate that self-medication is relatively low in rural areas. 2. 14 Self-Medication pattern in Punjab According to S Shveta et al, (2011) the frequency of self medication practices is common in the state.Fever, cough and cold are reasons for the use of self-medication. The most common drugs which is commonly used for self-medication is tonics and food supplements and it is taken frequently without prescription. We recommend that holistic approach should be taken to prevent this problem, which contain correct knowl edge and information regarding the self medication and strictness concerning pharmaceutical marketing. Furthermore especially in case of Punjab state ban must be implemented on counter sale of medicines. Dispensing modes in the state required to be enhanced by proper education, regulatory and administrative strategies. . 15 Self-Medication in Children’s According to Oshikoya et al, (2007) medicine use in children is of great anxiety worldwide and has received a lot of attention. Various researches have been performed in the urbanized and developing countries, and have all the countries faced many problems from mistreat and abuse of recommended medicines, and errors of medications. Children include a larger percentage of the residents in developing countries and are responsible to many illnesses as a effect of poverty. The majority of medicines in children are used outside of hospitals, both as recommended and non- recommended medicines.The primary reply by the majority famili es too many diseases in their children has been found to be use of non-prescribed medicines . Self-medication is very common among urban children in Nigeria. The presented laws concerning the use and sale of over the counter medicine, prescribed and non-prescribed drugs must be reinforced to ensure normal use of medicines. 2. 16 Self-medication practices for drug consumers According to Andualem et al, (2004) On Socio-demographic the respondents concealed the characteristic of drug consumers consist of all age category like both genders, pregnant women and breast-feeding mothers.Self-medication illnesses that reported very commonly in the respondents were headache, fever, cold, respiratory tract infection and gastrointestinal diseases. Education for the self-medication should be provided to public as well as health care providers ;i. e; this type of illnesses can be easily self-treated and diagnosed and the drug products to be used in promoting the responsible self-medication. 2. 17 Self-medication in West Uttarpradesh According to Ghosh et al, (2010) some students reported that they were alcoholic, smoker or involve in some chronic problems i. . non-communicable diseases, they have less awareness about the medicines that they use with smoking, alcohol or suffer problems with chronic diseases. Non-seriousness related to the disease is the most common reason reported for self-treated and for self-medication, previous experience on the medicine and emergency use. 2. 18 Assessment of Self-medication According to Sawalha, (2007) In An-Najah students the preference of self-medication in very common. Practice of treating this condition is done either simple or by previous experience.Even important self-medication predictors did present in the studied group, types of medications knowledge on the level of self-care orientation can be significant in analyzing the self-medication practices. 2. 19 Health care strategies According to Haider et al, (1995) treatment from som e medical systems found in majority of cases. Health care behavior for childhood illnesses and assessment of the degree and the reasons for self-medication assess in Karachi, Pakistan. The main reason is the good past experience of self-medication. he main reason is the use of different medicines by health professional that influence the parents for self-medicate to their children. Self-medication is hard to reduce but some information can be made to discourage wrong use of harmful drugs. 2. 20 Self-medication (WHO). According to WHO (1988) The WHO pointed that Self medication can help and treat illness that does not require any consultation of medication and provides a cheaper option for treat such common diseases. Yet, the person bears basic responsibility for the use of self-medication products.Due to self-medication products parties should be aware about the benefits and risks of self-medication. 3 METHADOLOGY This part presents an overview of the methods to be used in the study . Areas covered in this part include data collection, variables, sample and sampling techniques and model for analyzed the data. 3. 1 Data In this study primary data is used for gathering information. A survey was conducted in 4 areas of Karachi, Pakistan during May 2012. Data collection was entered using SPSS version 17 to generate descriptive statistics.Data analyzed complete using chi-square test to check the associations between variables. 3. 2 Variables Variables used in this study are 1. Age 2. Gender 3. Qualification 3. 3 Sample and Sampling techniques Convenience sampling techniques is use to select respondents from Gulshan-e-iqbal area. A convenience sample of 100 participants was taken. A questionnaire was distributed among participants after explaining the background of the study and objective. 3. 4 Model The model we are used. To summarize the questionnaires we used statistical model of chi-square.According to Zafar et al (2008) the author used Chi-square in his study. 4 RESULT Table: 1 QUALIFICATION v/s VARIABLES DESCRIPTION| CHI SQUARE| SIG VALUE| RESULTS| | | | | MY ILLNESS| 29. 354| 0. 007| Reject| SELF MEDICATION| 6. 425| 0. 6| Accept| PRESCRIBE| 11. 48| 0. 321| Accept| LACK OF TIME| 16. 431| 0. 37| Accept| HIGH FEES| 7. 423| 0. 492| Accept| SIDE EFFECT| 12. 461| 0. 132| Accept| DANGEROUS| 10. 582| 0. 221| Accept| YOUNGSTERS| 12. 285| 0. 139| Accept| COMMUNICATION CHAIN| 16. 846| 0. 032| Reject| It is found that the chi-square and sig. alue shows that the self medication is increasing in youngsters. the sig. value of the qualification shows that self medication (0. 6), prescribe (0. 321), lack of time (0. 37), high fees (0. 492), side effects (0. 132), dangerous (0. 221), youngsters (0. 139) these all variables were accepted and shows that are independent to the qualification Table: 2 GENDER v/s VARIABLES DESCRIPTION| CHI SQUARE| SIG VALUE| RESULTS| | | | | MY ILLNESS| 6. 053| 0. 195| Accept| SELF MEDICATION| 3. 334| 0. 504| Accept| PRESCRIBE| 9. 368| 0. 095| Accept| LACK OF TIME| 14. 038| 0. 007| Reject| HIGH FEES| 2. 38| 0. 71| Accept| SIDE EFFECT| 5. 008| 0. 286| Accept| DANGEROUS| 8. 898| 0. 064| Accept| YOUNGSTERS| 2. 356| 0. 671| Accept| COMMUNICATION CHAIN| 1. 361| 0. 851| Accept| It is found that the chi-square and sig. value shows that the self medication is increasing in youngsters. the sig. value of the gender that My illness (0. 195), self medication(0. 504), Prescribe (0. 095)high fees(0. 71),side effects(0. 286), dangerous(0. 064), youngsters(0. 671), Communication chain (0. 851) these all variables were accepted and shows that are independent to the gender. Table: 3 AGE v/s VARIABLESDESCRIPTION| CHI SQUARE| SIG VALUE| RESULTS| | | | | MY ILLNESS| 12. 914| 0. 115| Accept| SELF MEDICATION| 7. 128| 0. 523| Accept| PRESCRIBE| 7. 612| 0. 667| Accept| LACK OF TIME| 9. 468| 0. 304| Accept| HIGH FEES| 12. 789| 0. 119| Accept| SIDE EFFECT| 2. 677| 0. 953| Accept| DANGEROUS| 11. 182| 0. 192| Accept| YOUNGSTERS| 19. 388| 0. 013| Reject| COMMUNICATION CHAIN| 15. 794| 0. 045| Reject| It is found that the chi-square and sig. value shows that the self medication is increasing in youngsters. the sig. value of the age that my illness (0. 115), self medication (0. 23), prescribe (0. 667), lack of time (0. 304), high fees (0. 119), side effects (0. 953), dangerous (0. 192) these all variables were accepted and shows that are independent to the age. 5 DISCUSSION In the light of the literature review self medication is a most common practice. In this study mostly males involve in self medication. The number of youngsters participate in this study were 100, having age range of 14-27 years, the overall reply is positive. There females were 37 (37%) and males were 63 (63%). This shows that the greater part of the samples was undergraduate youngsters.In term of gender, majority of the youngsters who adept self-medication are males. Moreover, the sampling methods were varied among the studies, range from conv enience. The trend of self-medication is high in undergraduate youngsters as compared to the inter and metric level youngsters. Mostly Youngsters have a preference of self-medication, 63% of undergraduates, 18% of inter and only 19% of metric youngsters involve in self medication. By the research we get the result that people think that they could understand their own illness themselves and that leads them to self medication.Qualification and understanding own illnesses are not independent. So we accepted alternative hypothesis. Increasing communication chain is also one of the major reasons of increment of self medication in well qualified too. The above data was found to be good sufficient to maintain from literature review that the trend towards self medication is increasing literally. 6 CONCLUSION Self medication practice increasing in the youngsters of Karachi, Pakistan mostly in males and undergraduate youngsters under age of 18-22.The reason is lack of time or not consulting to the doctor. Need to educate the youngsters to avoid such practice majority know that self medication is incorrect and some time cause side effect. 7 BIBLOGRAPHY Almasdy Dedy & Azmi Sherrif , (2011 ), Self-Medication Practice with Nonprescription Medication among University Students: a review of the literature, Archives of Pharmacy Practice, Vol 2, No 3, pp 95-100. Andualem Tenaw, B. Pharm, BA, et al, (2004), SELF-MEDICATION PRACTICES IN ADDIS ABABA: A PROSPECTIVE STUDY, Ethiopia Journal health science, Vol 14, No 1, pp 1-11.Carmel M, Hughes; McElnay, James C; Fleming, Glenda F. , (2001), Bene? ts and risks of self medication, Drug Safety, Vol 24, No 14, pp 1027-1037. Fadare Joseph O & Igbiks Tamuno, (2011), Antibiotic self-medication among university medical undergraduates in Northern Nigeria, Journal of Public Health and Epidemiology, Vol 3, No 5, pp 217-220. Ghosh Sourav, Vikas, Vimal, et al, (2010), Evaluation of the practice of self medication among college students in west U ttar Pradesh, International Journal of Pharma Professional's Research, Vol 1, No 1, pp 14-18.Haider S, Thaver IH, (1995), Self medication or self care: implication for primary health care strategies, J Pak Med Assoc, Vol 45, No11, pp 297-298. Hussain Azhar, Asifa Khanum,(2008), Self medication among university students of Islamabad, Pakistan- a preliminary study, Southern Med Review, Vol 1, No 1, pp 14-16. Hussain Shahzad, Farnaz Malik, Kazi Muhammad Ashfaq, et al , (2011), Prevalence of self-medication and health-seeking behavior in a developing country, African Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, Vol 5 , No 7, pp 972-978 James Henry, Shailendra S, Handu Khalid A.J, et al, (2006), Evaluation of the knowledge, attitude and practice of self-medication among first-year medical students, Med Princ Practice, Vol 15, No 4, pp 270-275. Khalid Tanzeela, Tariq Iqbal, (2010),Trends of self medication in patients with acne vulgarus, JUMDC, Vol 1, No 1, pp 10-13. Mumtaz Yasmin, S. M. Ashraf Jahangeer, Tahira Mujtaba, et al, (2011), Self Medication among University Students of Karachi, JLUMHS, Vol 10, No 3, pp 102-105. Oshikoya K A, O F Njokanma, J A Bello, et al, (2007), Family self-medication for children in an urban area of Nigeria , Paediatric and Perinatal Drug Therapy, Vol 8, No 3, pp 124-130.S Shveta, Jagmohan S, (2011), A study of self medication pattern in Punjab, Indian Journal of Pharmacy Practice, Vol 4, No 2, pp 43-46. Sawalha, Ansam F, (2007), Assessment of self-medication practice among University students in Palestine: Therapeutic and Toxicity Implications, The Islamic University Journal (Series of Natural Studies and Engineering), Vol 15, No 2, pp 67-82. SD Sontakke, Bajait CS , Pimpalkhute SA, et al, (2011), Comparative study of evaluation of self-medication practices in first and third year medical student, International Journal of Biological ; Medical Research , Vol 2, No 2, pp 561-564.Shankar PR, P Partha and N Shenoy, (2002), Self-medication and no n-doctor prescription practices in Pokhara valley, Western Nepal: a questionnaire-based study, BMC Family Practice, Vol 3, No 17, pp 1-7. Twombly Eric C ; Kristen D. Holtz, (2008), Teens and the Misuse of Prescription Drugs:Evidence-Based Recommendations to Curb a Growing Societal Problem, J Primary Prevent, Vol 29, No 18, pp 503–516. WHO, (1988), The role of pharmacist in self-care and self-medication, Netherland.Wijesinghe R Pushpa, Ravindra L Jayakody, Rohini de A Seneviratne, (2012), Prevalence and predictors of self-medication in a selected urban and rural district of Sri Lanka, WHO South-East Asia Journal of Public Health, Vol 1, No 1, pp 28-41. Zafar Syed Nabeel, Reema Syed, Sana Waqar, et al, (2008), Self medication amongst university students of Karachi: prevalence, knowledge and attitudes, J Pak Med Assoc, Vol 58, No 4, pp 214-217. http://apps. who. int/medicinedocs/pdf/whozip32e/whozip32e. pdf